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"So it was alright to leave the sperm?"

Maura looked at Niall and Niall couldn't do more than nod and he blushed. She smiled a little bit.

"It's okay sweetheart. Many guys go there and do what they need to do to provide a sample. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Harry  laugh and he put himself behind the Irish back and taking arms around him.

"Maybe he's just a little shy."

Maura just smiled and she sat down at the kitchen table.

"When do you get the answer?"

"In a week." said Niall hoarse. "I guess it depends on what they find?"

Harry kissed him lightly on the neck.

"They will find cute little sperms as can fertilize an egg."

Niall was close to pulling away from him, but Harry held him tight. Maura laughed a little and she looked at them both.

"You don't need to be ashamed of this. There are many guys who have to check if everything is as it should."


The letter arrived on a Friday. Harry took in the post, and he stared long time at the envelope. It felt almost as if he wanted to forget everything. If the sample was good, they would become parents. If not, then Harry would ask Niall to forget everything. Yet he knew that there was no return. Niall wanted children and he wanted a family. Harry wished with all his heart that he could make Niall happy, but to what price?

"Did the letter come today?"

Niall appeared. Harry quickly stuffed the envelope into his jacket and he smiled at him.

"No not today."

Niall become immediately disappointed.

"How long can it take?"

Harry chose to clear his throat a bit, and he began to look through the other letters.

"I don't know." he replied quickly. "But it will take the time it takes?"

Niall nodded sadly and he came up to Harry.

"Maybe there's something wrong, so that they..."

Harry interrupted him quickly and looked up at Niall.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong. It just takes time?"

Niall nodded weakly.

"But if my sperm isn't okay, then we can use yours?"

Harry become stiff all over, but he had to smile, just to hide the fact that he was scared.

"One step at a time, darling."

Niall nodded, but he looked suspiciously at Harry.

"You know there are many ways to go? If it's wrong with me, then we use you?"

Harry nodded tired.

"Niall, don't nag about it now." he got up. "We must wait until the letter comes."


Harry sat sown in the workroom. He took the letter and put it in front of him. Damn, he didn't want to lie to Niall. He swallowed and he leaned back in his chair. He opened the laptop and without thinking about it, he went into the porn page. He chose a movie where a young blond guy was whipped by an older dark man. Harry didn't know why he was doing this, and all behind Nialls back. Harry just continue to dream of a life that was dominant. He growled at himself, and he let his eyes drift from the PC to the letter. It was this as was the difference between Harry and Niall. It was as if the computer symbolized Harry and the envelope symbolized Niall.

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