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"Niall you got visit!"

Niall chose to stay under the covers. Visitor? Whoever it was, he wouldn't leave the bed. No, he would say no and just stay there, where he was right now. He had the headphones on his head, and he chose to play hard to get in touch with. He listened to the music and he closed his eyes. He didn't want to meet a single living soul. "Oh, you're alone? So it's the end between you and Harry." Niall couldn't be bothered with all who felt it was a pity for Niall. Niall felt that he himself had now dug the pit, and he wanted to remain in the pit. The room was boarded up and so was also Niall. It was as if he were in that stupid habit again. He couldn't almost not even to go to the bathroom. He tried to keep a good hygiene, but it was hard when no one cared. Nobody in the world could get Niall to feel better, not now and not for the moment,,, not ever.

"How many times should I travel here to get you back?"

Harry's voice. Niall swallowed. Now Niall was about to go crazy? He even heard Harry's voice in his head. He opened his eyes and he swallowed. He was surprised that someone was standing at the door and when he saw who it was, he lost his breath.


Harry smiled tired and he went up to bed. He slid down on the bed and he tried to smile.

"I regret what I said to you in the phone, as always."

Niall swallowed


Harry shook his head rapidly.

"No, Niall. There's no time to hesitate. I have booked the appointment with the doctor on Monday and I've talked to my sister. I have paid the cost, and as now are really needed is you."

Niall took off his headphones and he just stared straight into those green eyes.


Harry came up with a faint smile.

"I've suffered enough and I have realized one thing. I don't want you to leave me, never, ever, and I'm ready for the next step." He took a deep breath. "After all, the child has your genes, or the child will have your stuff with him or her, how dangerous could that be?"

Niall sat up and he hesitated.

"But you said...?"

Harry took his hand and put his fingers over Nialls lips.

"I'm pretty cowardly when it comes down to it. I don't dare to unleash my thoughts about the future or the dreams that I have. I'm in a bubble and you got the bubble to burst."

Niall took his hand away.

"But the day when we have a child? Will you stay or will you back off?"

Harry had a smile.

"For you, I'll take care of all problems." he whispered hoarsely. "I intend to stay and it's just as much my responsibility as your responsibility. It's we as must become mature together and put the child before ourselves."

Niall still felt a hesitation.

"But how can you be change that quickly?"

Harry cleared his throat a little.

"I realized I didn't need all that, as I thought I needed. I'm changed, although I didn't recognize it before... or I didn't want to see that I could be the man as I wanted to be."

Niall swallowed.

"And what has changed?"

Harry took up his hand and pulled it through Nialls hair lovingly.

"I am so totally changed and I don't know how to tell you about it..."

Niall smiled a little bit.

"And you'll cope with the responsibility?"

Harry nodded and he put his head askew.

"For you, yes."

Niall frowned.

"For my sake I don't want you to do  a single thing. I'm talking about that child as we will get."

Harry laughed a little.

"Because he's a part of you, darling, he will get the majority of my heart."

Niall felt calm.

"And how did you come to this decision?"

Harry laughed a little.

"By common sense."


The doctor smiled big at Harry and Niall. He sat behind the desk and he had actually approved everything. Gemma would have the baby in the stomach, some eggs from the right woman was there and the sperm from Niall was perfect. Niall felt his stomach tingled and he didn't even notice Harry's pale face. Harry kept Nialls hand tightly, but that was all. He neither smiled or seemed to understand what the doctor told them. He just sat and just stared straight ahead.

"So we get started! Gemma has now got day to come here and then we make a first attempt."

Niall nodded and he smiled big.

"And what are the chances that it works the first time?"

The doctor looked up at him.

"I'm honest when I say that there are half as likely, for it to work the first time. Many as you are forced to maybe try three times before it's honorable can be a baby."

Harry cleared his throat easily.

"And how does it affect Gemma? Does it hurt when an egg don't want to stay?"

The doctor shook his head.

"What happens is that she will have normal period and maybe just a little pain, but nothing as will affect her."

Harry seemed satisfied with the answer.

"And how many eggs do you have access for, from this woman as we chose?"

The doctor looked down at the paper.

"Five!" he replied quickly.

"So that means five chances?" Harry got up. The doctor nodded and he smiled reassuring to them.

"We take one step at a time. Gemma will come here in a week, we fertilize the eggs with Nialls sperm and then we place the egg in her. I'm sure the chances are big, because she's young and she has a good fitness . Her body is just made for this."

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