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"If you see Liam again, don't ever talk to him ever again!"

Harry's eyes were serious and he was resolute. Niall nodded a little bit.

"So he's dangerous?"

Harry nodded tired.

"Yes, for us, he's dangerous."

Niall swallowed.

"Will you explain why?"

Harry shook his head and he went up to Niall. He caught up Nialls face between his hands and looked straight into his eyes.

"I'm serious." he muttered hoarsely, slightly cold. "You can't have any contact with him ever again. The only thing you need to know is that he's..." Harry hesitated. "He's not good."

Niall understood that Liam belonged to the past and that they probably had done something that Harry didn't want to talk about.

"All your old lovers are just crazy..."

Nialls question got Harry to raise his eyebrows.

"How do you mean?"

Niall blushed a little.

"Simon was crazy in his way, Ed wanted to kill me and now we got Liam." he got up. "Isn't that a little strange that all of your ex wants to harm you or me?"

Harry got up a smile, it wasn't because of that he smiled, it was because he understood and he saw how it looked, at least in Nialls eyes.

"I know!" he got up. "And it's I who apologize for all that. You know those don't have anything to do with you or with me?"

Niall sighed.

"You're not an easy man to be with."

Harry kissed him softly.

"I know!" he replied hoarsely. "I guess it's you who will suffer the most for my old life?"

Niall smiled.

"No, it's you. Your ex-boyfriends show up everywhere and who knows how many they are in number?"

Harry blushed.

"Many of them have moved on. Some of them realized that they wanted a woman and not a man. It's only few of those who stayed behind and continued with the games as I thought them."

Niall swallowed.

"And you left that life?"

Harry nodded.

"Yes, I found my place in life and finally I understood what everything was all about. It's about us."

Niall nodded happily. He took his arms around Harry's neck and smiled kindly at him.

"And soon will Olivia be with us."

Harry took his hands around his waist and he nodded quietly.

"And her two dads understand that she's the most important person from now on."

Niall giggled.

"So you're going to be there for her?"

Harry rolled his eyes teasingly.

"No, I was thinking about to going go on a long, really long, vacation." Then he laughed a little. "Of course I'm there for her and for you. It's you who are my family and I love you, I love her too."

Niall liked the new Harry. It was as if they both found the place as they would have in the family. Harry let his hands slide down over Nialls ass and he moaned a little.

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