Stolen Secrets- Chapter 12

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I woke up just before four. I changed into my ninja clothes and slowly opened the door of my bedroom. I looked both ways down the hall and listened to make sure my parents were both still in their room. Then I made my way out into the hall and crept down the stairs.

I grabbed a travel mug from the cabinet and filled it with the coffee I had set up last night so that it would be ready for now. I clamped my hand over Mum’s keys, and willed them not to clank against each other to make noise. I was paranoid that even a small noise would wake my parents up.

I grabbed my schoolbag from the floor, I had already filled it up with all the necessities last night. Not the things I would need for school, more important things. Feeling very ninja, I stealthily made my way out of the door and into the crisp, early morning air.

I unlocked my mum’s car and slid into the driver’s seat, putting my bag in the passenger seat. Then I unzipped my bag and took out the GPS I had also taken from Mum. I turned it on and set in the dashboard to finishing powering on, as I warmed up the car and drank my coffee.

When the GPS was on, I double checked that all five addresses were programmed in correctly. I set it to give me directions for the closest location first. Then I sat it on the cradle, put my coffee in the holder and took one last deep breath. 

Slowly, I backed out of the driveway and into the street. I drove carefully as I headed out towards the highway. I was already driving with only my ‘L’, I didn’t want any cops pulling me over and checking for my licence. If that happened, I might never get there in time.

The cops wouldn’t do this themselves, so I was doing it for them. Only they didn’t know that yet. If any cops got too serious, it could mean the death of my friend, and the capture of a senator. I wasn’t about to let it get to that.

About an hour’s drive later, I arrived at the first house. I didn’t think that this one would be the one were Natalie was being held. The information that George had managed to email me said that the girl who lived here was maybe only eleven.

I quick look around the house made it clear that there were no open windows. I didn’t want to actually go in the house, but I needed some clue that would tell me Natalie wasn’t here. If I found that, I would be able to cross this off my list.

Then, looking through what must have been the living room window, I found my clue.

There was a pair of blue crutches leaning against the wall next to a staircase. They were adjusted for someone clearly under five feet. Natalie wasn’t here.

I went back to the car and set the GPS for the next closest location. It was now just after five. I had five hours left before George went to meet with Natalie’s captor. I needed to have her before then.


“I’m going to visit your daddy now,” Scary Man said as he came into the room. He was carrying my plate of rotten food. Normally it was one of the Minions that brought it in, but I guess today was a special occasion.

“Eat up,” he ordered shoving the food in my face. “We want daddy to think I’m feeding you right.”

I glared at him.

“But you know, when your daddy gets here, it could ruin some of my fun.” His eyes raked up and down my very exposed body.

Suddenly his hand shot out and he gripped my hair, pulling me up to my feet. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out as my sore limbs screamed in pain.

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