Stolen Secrets- Chapter 21

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*two uploads in ten minutes so please read chapter 20 first*


In the morning I woke to the persistent vibrating of my phone against the metal of the bed frame. I don’t know how Natalie didn’t hear it. I knew it was mine because Natalie had put hers on the charger in the kitchen last night.




Then it stopped. I closed my eyes and rolled my head back against Natalie’s, preparing myself to fall asleep again.




I groaned and threw my arm over the side of the bed and reached for my phone blindly. It was on the floor somewhere.

“Wha?” I asked when I had finally found it.

“J-man! Why didn’t you tell me?” Brandon screamed in my ear. I could hear the thumping of the music on his end. It wasn’t very loud, so I assumed he was outside a party or something.

“Un sec,” I said. I had meant to say ‘one sec’ but it came out sounding French.

I slowly detangled myself from Natalie and went over to the opposite side of the room instead. I didn’t want Brandon’s screaming to wake up Natalie.

When I was sitting on the floor next to the door, I talked to Brandon again. “What do you want?” I didn’t have to be polite with my brother when he was calling at like 3am.

“I just got Mum’s message! She told me that that girl you like is sleeping in your room!” I doubt that was the only thing Mum told him, but it was probably the only thing he remembered.

“Yeah there is.”

“And where are you sleeping?” Brandon asked.

“My room,” I said. I prepared myself for what he was about to say.

“No way man! Does Mum know that? You are so lucky! Is she hot?” Brandon screeched in my ear.

“Yeah Mum knows.” I didn’t exactly feel comfortable answering any of the other questions. I wasn’t really lucky, because I was only staying with Natalie because she was scared of being alone and sometimes she cried herself to sleep. And Natalie wasn’t hot, she was beautiful, but I doubt Brandon would know the difference.

“But more importantly, is she hot?” Brandon asked again.

“Yeah she’s beautiful,” I said with a glance over at the bundle of sheets that made up Natalie.

“Is this the same chick you were telling me about?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“My little bro is growing up!” Brandon exclaimed.

“Is this why you called me at 3am? To ask if she was hot?” I said with an exasperated sigh.

“It’s three?” Brandon asked. A couple of seconds later he spoke again. “Oh yeah it is.”

I shook my head. Again he had missed the whole point. “Can’t I call you back later?”

“You just want to get back in bed with your girl eh?” Brandon said.

“Yeah, and it’s fricken three am! I’m tired,” I complained.

“She wear you out last night?”

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