Stolen Secrets- Chapter 16

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I woke up in the morning and started immediately freaking out. I didn’t recognize the room in the early morning light. I started trashing around and expected Scary Man to come out laughing from the closet.

But then I remembered everything.

Dad was gone so I was staying at Jeff’s so I wasn’t in the apartment alone.

I heard a knock at the door. I started freaking out again until I realized that Scary Man would never knock.

“Come in,” I squeaked out.

“Morning Natalie,” Jeff said poking his head into the room. “I uh, forgot to grab clothes when I left last night. Do you mind if I come in to get some?” He asked hesitantly.

I took one last breathe to calm myself down further. “Yeah sure,” I said with more confidence than what I was feeling.

“Thanks,” he said. “Light.” I looked down at the comforter as light suddenly flooded the room.

I got out of bed and went to where I had left my bag on the floor. I searched through it for my brush. When I found it I carefully ran it through my hair, cautious of all the knots I knew would be there.

I looked back at Jeff and caught him staring at me. He quickly looked away and continued going through his closet for clothes.

I glanced down at what I was wearing and it just added to my confusion of why Jeff was staring at me. I was wearing my purple pyjama bottoms with the yellow polka dots and a baggy white t-shirt from a summer camp a million years ago. It was rather old, so it was kinda small and tight across my chest.

“Um, when do you usually leave for school?” I asked just to break the silence.

Jeff glanced back at me with clothes in his hands. “My dad normally drops me off around five after. We still half almost forty minutes to get ready.”

I nodded. “Oh.”

“Um I’ll leave you to get uh, changed,” Jeff stammered out. He thought for a moment then he shook his head and left the room. Guys are strange.

I took a fast shower and then changed into the clothes I had brought. I hadn’t even brought my shampoo and conditioner and I had only brought one outfit because I hoped Dad would show up today and the whole thing would be a misunderstanding.  

I towel dried my hair and left it to do its own thing, I didn’t care anymore. I gathered up my stuff back in my bag, careful not to leave anything behind and then I went back to Jeff’s room to leave my bag on the floor there.

“Morning Natalie. Did you sleep well?” Jade sang out from where she was making eggs at the stove.

“Yes thank you,” I said politely. I sat down at the table and took a muffin from the plate in the middle. “Thank you so much for letting me spend the night,” I said.

“No problem dear, you can always stay here.” I smiled my thanks and continued eating my muffin. I glanced at the newspaper Jeff’s dad, David, was reading and saw a picture of Dad one the front cover. I immediately looked away.

He is safe. It’s just a misunderstanding, I told myself.

Jeff came in a minute later and sat down next to me, after giving me a small smile.

While I ate breakfast, Jade told me that I could spend the night again tonight. She asked me if I wanted to go to my apartment after school and pick up more things and I said no. She offered to do it for me while I was at school if I left her a key and a list of things to pick up.

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