Stolen Secrets- Chapter 28

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Once the crowd was quiet, Jeff gave a short speech.

“I didn’t do all of this because I wanted to be a hero. I did it because my friend was in trouble. Most of the time, I had no idea what I was doing. I just kind of jumped into everything and hoped that the outcome would be good. I was just mad that the cops had a hair of a lead and weren’t following it, so I did. I never expected this. I just wanted Natalie home safe again.

“It doesn’t matter how long you know someone, knowing they’re in danger is a terrible feeling. I felt sick every time I saw her empty desk, or called her number and hit voicemail instead of her.

“Then when George went missing, I didn’t want to leave Natalie on her own. She was already so lost from what had happened that it didn’t seem fair. I just wanted to take care of her.

“I’m not really a hero, I’m just a nice guy who was in the right place at the right time. Thank you for this award,” he said this part to my dad. “but a simple thank you was enough.”

Dad realizing that was really all Jeff was going to say, stepped up next to him and placed the big bulky medal around Jeff’s neck. I stood up and clapped along with everyone else. Beside me the detectives were now standing as well.

Then they paused mid handshake to pose for the many cameras. After a couple of seconds of holding that pose, Dad actually hugged Jeff like they were old friends. I stepped up after and gave Jeff a hug.

It was for the cameras, I really hope he knew that.

Once enough pictures had been taken, we went off the stage and into the makeshift room again.

The detectives said their goodbyes quickly and then Dad announced that he was taking the Porter family out to dinner. I wish that meant I didn’t have to go, but Dad said it included me. He didn’t understand that I was trying to take myself out of Jeff’s life.

Dad told David to follow us and then we were off the restaurant. Knowing Dad, I had a feeling it would be on the pricey side because he was treating both of our heroes.

“Dad can you drop me off, I don’t feel too well,” I said knowing nothing else would get me out of this dinner.

“No Natalie. You are coming to this dinner. Besides, when was the last time you saw these boys?” Dad asked. Of course he knew the answer already, I was constantly with him. Most teenage girls would feel trapped and lame by spending all their time willingly with their father. But I thought of it was a reassurance, this way we both knew the other was safe.

“But what if I throw up at dinner?” I pleaded. I really didn’t want to be at this dinner. And the chances of me throwing up were nil.

“Then please go to the bathroom before that can happen. We are honouring the boys that saved both of our lives with a dinner. It is the least you could do for all the trouble this family has gone through for us.”

I crossed my arms and leaned back into my seat with a huff. Dad was never going to let me go home.

I promised myself that this was the last time I would see Jeff. After this I would leave his life completely. It would be ten times harder than it had been the first time, but it was the best for everyone.

Jeff wouldn’t feel like he needed to take care of me, Brandon wouldn’t get dragged into it, and Jade and David wouldn’t need to welcome me back into their lives. All of the Porters would be much safer and happier with me far, far away. I could always piece my life back together later. I didn’t matter.

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