Stolen Secrets- Chapter 18

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I woke in the morning to a weight pressing down on me. My body tensed and I prepared myself to fight whoever it was off. I remembered the first day when I had woken up to the Minions and I had been tied up and blind folded. I felt like this was the same type of thing.

I opened my eyes cautiously and gasped when I saw the sight in front of me.

Jeff’s sleeping face was right in front of me. His head was on the same pillow as mine and his nose was almost touching the end of mine. He was so close I could see the faint freckles splattered across his cheeks and nose, and I could almost count each of his eyelashes.

 Jeff’s arms were wrapped around me and what felt like his leg was trapping both of mine beneath him.

I just laid there and blinked sleepily at the boy sharing the bed with me. Was he here because I wanted him to be, or because he wanted to be. I prayed that it was the latter.

With a small jerk Jeff started to wake up. He shifted slightly and his eyes fluttered open. He smiled when they met mine.

“Morning Angel,” he whispered his voice thick with sleep.

I bit my lip shyly. “Hi.”

Jeff’s eyes widened slightly, I only noticed because they were so close to my own. “Is this still alright? Or do you want me to stop?” he asked nervously. He lifted his leg off of mine slightly so that the only weight he had on me now was that of his arm.

“No, no, it’s fine. I’m just not used to this,” I admitted.

Jeff smiled. “Good.” He lowered his leg once again onto mine and I felt happy with the slight weight of it.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I loved how safe I felt in Jeff’s arms. I really had been an idiot to push him away for so long.

“Jeff? Is it alright that you’re in here?” I asked him. I just realized it that his parents might not like the fact that their teenage son was in the bed of his female friend that they had taken in out of charity and niceness.

Jeff chuckled, his chest vibrating against me. “Yeah I told them last night that I was staying in here. They actually didn’t mind.”

“Oh,” I said. That was surprising. Did that mean that Jeff was interested in another girl or just gay? If it had been my dad he would have never had let Jeff no matter what the situation. Even all those times we had been in my room studying, the door always had to be open. And besides Jeff was too much a gentleman to try anything.

“We have to get ready for school,” Jeff said after a couple more minutes of silence.

I nodded but didn’t move, I liked where I was too much.

“Come on, we don’t want to be late,” Jeff said almost like it pained him to say so. He removed his arms from around me and I instantly felt vulnerable.

“Right,” I said. I sat up and went to the bag of stuff Jade had brought from my apartment for me.

As I was searching through, Jeff spoke up again.

“Don’t call your Dad again, please,” he begged. “If he is with those people, I don’t want you talking to him. Let me do it please.

I stood up and walked over to Jeff.

“But you’ve already done so much,” I said.

“I just want to keep you safe. I don’t want you talking to those people. They don’t know who I am, it’s fine for me to talk to them.”

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