Stolen Secrets- Chapter 14

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Dad wouldn’t let me go to school. He said that I had to take what the doctor had said very seriously, so he kept me home. I kept trying to tell him I was fine, but he refused to hear me.

Jeff would come over after school. He brought me home a ton of work on Thursday. It was all the stuff from Thursday and the days I had missed. I felt really bad for making him carry it all home and for having to go around collecting all my work.

I had texted him my locker combo, so he had all of my stuff from my locker as well. I wish I would be able to do something in return for him, but I could barely talk to him and I refused to let him touch me, I couldn’t do anything. I was getting better at talking to him though. Slowly I was saying more and more.

Jeff patiently explained everything to me. I answered him in grunts and nods or shakes of my head. I wanted to be able to trust Jeff, but I couldn’t even trust Dad. Scary Man had broken me.

Dad was even coming home early each night. He said it was because he felt like a bad father for not being home more often. I was happy that I was spending time with him, but I felt guilty, he was being promoted and should be doing more, but instead he was sitting at home taking care of his broken daughter.

Jeff came over on Friday as well. He didn’t bring as much work for me as Thursday because it was only that day’s work.

Yesterday, Dad stayed home with me all day. He barely ever let me out of his sight. I don’t know why he worried so much. We were five stories up and there was a cop placed outside the door. The only people allowed past him were Dad and I, as well as Jeff. That’s was it.

Today Dad took me out for lunch at some big fancy restaurant. Jeff even came. I think it was a little over the top, but Dad insisted for some reason. I didn’t complain past that, it was the first time I had left the apartment since I got home on Wednesday. It’s just I feel embarrassed because I am not eating lots. If any one notices they don’t say anything.

I’ve barely gained any weight since I got home and I lost a lot in the time I was kidnapped. I am scarily thin. I make a point to wear my baggiest clothes. They also help cover my scars. 

When we got home, Jeff came with me into my room so we could finish up the last of my homework. I normally didn’t do homework in my room, but sitting in the living room with Dad staring at me constantly was a little unnerving.

“What did he do to you?” Jeff asked from where he was lying next to me. He was on one edge of the bed, and I was on the other. So there was about a little bit of space in between us. His back was pressed against the wall which added a little more space. I had a small bed.

I sat up and held up my arm so that the inside was facing the ceiling and the cuts crossing over my skin where very clear.

“I know about these and the others, I saw them,” Jeff said. I just lowered my head slightly at his mention of seeing me naked. “I meant, what did he say to you, what else did he…do?”

“Mum, he knew everything.” Jeff nodded sympathetically. “I was the bait,” I added quieter.

“What do you mean ‘bait’?” Jeff asked.

“They wanted Dad.”

“Wait,” Jeff said sitting up as well. “That creep did all of this to you because he wanted to bait your dad?” I nodded mutely. “What did they want from your dad? Just control over him?”

I shrugged. I didn’t really know.

“So what will happen to your dad now that you’re out?”

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