I cant decide

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Kendra's POV
location: Mikaelson House.

As the party ends I see Elijah enter the house and his face plastered in anger.   I flash up to him so close that are toes are touching and almost out noes's.

"Follow me." I say. I turn around and walk to the Kitchen.

"And why did you take me here?" He asks

"for a drink, duh." I say laughing.

"I don't want to have a drink with you right now Kendra." he says turning around. I grab his arm. "please?" He turns around and leans in. he has his hands on my waist and I can see his lips getting closer and closer to mine. I try my hardest to back up but he keeps on pulling me closer.

"I'm with Klaus again." I whisper.

"oh, okay then." he says letting go of me. The feeling of his fingers running on my hips gives me a tingly feeling inside... a good one though.

"I'm sorry Elijah." I say

"no need to apologize, I must be going before Klaus sees us alone." he says walking backwards with his hands in his pockets. as he walks out I start to regret what just happened. I walk out to Klaus leaning on a door frame taking a sip from his beer.

"why aren't you hanging out with your friends?" I ask

"cause, they all are boring." He says taking another sip.

"come on, don't me boring." I say grabbing his hands

"Kendra..." he says but I put my index finger I front of his mouth and say "hush hush." and drag him out to the living room. I plop down beside Vann and Klaus does the same but beside me.

"hey." Vann says with the smell of alcohol in her breath.

"how much have you drank?" I ask laughing

"a lot, I need to get rid of this Stefan drama" she says chugging down a bottle of beer.

"more like Damon drama" I say taking it out of her mouth.

"hey!" she yells. I take a sip then hand it back to her.

"we are sharing a beer now, you can't have TOO much alcohol." i says laughing. After 2 hours of talking and Truth or Dare we play spin the bottle. I'm apparently supposed to go first. I spin it will all my strength and it lands on Elijah, great. I crawl over to him and peck his lips just a little. I crawl back to my spot and Vann whispers to me

"he's giving you those eyes."

"can you like shut up with this fucking Elijah thing." I whisper back to her.

"okay Elijah's turn." Damon says. As he spins the bottle my stomach starts to turn into butterfly's. I see it landing on a girl named Casey.

"we should turn this into 7 minutes in heaven." Klaus says

"yes please." Casey says smirking.

"that's disgusting." I says

"agreed." Vann says

"let's start shall we?" Casey says grabbing Elijah's hand.

"I'd rather not." Elijah says pulling his hand away.

"Dick." Casey says storming off.

"Damon and Vann should go in the closet cause we all know what's happened outside of it." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"maybe Damon should come out of the closet cause we all know he's gay." (not making fun of gay people we don't mean that offensive.)Stefan says.

"your being a real dick." Damon says

"no, your just mad there is no glitter on your outfit." Stefan says smirking. Everyone laughs

"Remember when I asked for your opinion, neither do I." Damon says.

"I always say nice things about you but I would rather tell the truth." Stefan says

"enough, what the fuck?" Vann says.

"he's all pissed cause I actually pleased you." Damon says

"what happened yesterday when I left?" Stefan asks. I grab Stefan's and Damon's neck and pin them up against the wall.

"what the fuck is wrong with you guys?!" I yell.

"Let go of me." they say in unison. Klaus walks in and laughs

"what?" I say letting them go and turning around

"they are pathetic. You idiots though you could take Kendra?" Klaus says/asks

"I did this on my own." I say turning him so he is facing me.

"wow, tough huh? your cute." he says pinching my cheeks. I swat them off. I can feel the steam coming out of my ears but the feeling of my clenched fists is exhilarating.

"I hate you!" I yell punching him. the room goes silent.

"kendra..." Klaus says but I cut him off by yelling

"NO IM DONE WITH ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT! ELIJAH CLEARLY ISN'T OVER ME AND YOU..." but I stop. "you are just being the same old fucking dick named Niklaus Mikaelson."

"kendra..." Elijah says coming closer to me

"don't even talk to me you." I say pushing him away.

"kendra..." vann says

"shut up whore." I say.

"kendra what is going on?!" Vann yells.

"just leave me alone! all of you!" I yel flashing to my room. I've lost it... I've lost control of myself. All this pain is overwhelming me.

"kendra... it's okay to be this mad you know." Vann says walking in without knocking.

"I'm turning it off." I say.

"no, no you can't kendra." Vann says

"I'm going to vann." I say

"kendra stop it." Vann says with worry in her voice

"I was kidding." I say giggling.

"your a dick." she says punching my arm.

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