He comelled me?

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Kendra's POV
location: Beach

I'm kissing Kol with my legs wrapped around him and both hands on my waist holding me up. I release and look to my right and see Klaus and Vann talking. I tuck my hair behind my ear to hear better and listen.

"so earlier I heard Kol compel Kendra to love him... that's why she "Loves" him." Vann says. I turn to Kol and get off him.

"You compelled me?!" I yell.

"Kendra..." he says but I cut him off by walking away.

"undo the compulsion." I say sitting in front of Klaus.

"why should he"Vann says

"Because I'm not going to be anyone's bitch"I say

i'm so livid klaus and kol are acting as if I'm some stupid prize to be won well that's not true.

"Are you sure"klaus asks leaning in

"In sure"I lean in so close that me and klaus are breathing the same air

"You remember everything that kol has ever compelled you to do and it will all go away"klaus compels

"I remember everything that kol as ever compelled me to do it will go away"I repeat

I didn't realize that when klaus would to take away the compulsion that kol did that would all come back all at once kind of overwhelming that kol could do that to me everything I felt for him was fake well I think everything I felt for him is fake.

"Ew"I say squirming

"What is it"vann asks me

"I slept beside him and he was shirtless"I say gaging

"well its not like he's not hot though." Vann says.

"hey there..." lDamon says sitting down.

"sorry, I forgot you were in there." Vann says

"Flattering"Damon says

"So you did it with my brother"klaus says picking up his book

"Oh ok wow well that's a good conversation stopper"I say

"Did you?"klaus asks once again

"No I just remember sleeping beside him"I tell klaus

"Was there touching because if there was touching I will dagger kol"klaus says putting his book down

"The only touching was when he kissed me"I say look at a tree in the distance where Kol is standing flirting with some blonde chick.

"Wait... that's what you couldn't tell me?" Damon says directed to Vann

"Sorry...." Vann says

"I figured that out when she said she was in Kols room." Damon says bursting out laughing.

"Ew." I say getting up. I walk over to Kol to punch him so hard he will actually feel it.

"Hello beautiful." He says leaning I. for a kiss. I lean in but as soon as our lips were gonna touch I grabbed his head and smashed it into my knee.

"That's what you get for compelling me a to date you!" I yell. I grab his neck and say"this, this is for thinking you changed." and snap his neck. I start to cry and fall to the ground. Klaus Van and Damon flash to me.

"kendra what's wrong?" Vann asks

"I don't know, I want him to be happy... and I did." I say hugging Vann.

"you two go play in the water or whatever." Vann says to Klaus and Damon.

"But..." Klaus says

"go klaus." I say. They walk to the beach towel and sit down.

"it's okay." Vann says rubbing my back.

"ugh." We hear Kol say softly

"Kol?!" I say wiggling out of Vann's reach.

"Kendra?!" he says but backs up.

"no Kol... I'm really sorry." I say looking down.

"I'm gonna go with Damon and Klaus." Vann says flashing away.

"Come with me." I say standing up and holding out my hand. He gets up and grabs my hand not tight.

"Where are we going?" He asks

"You'll know when you see it." I say. 10 minutes of walking and we have arrived to the destination we were trying to reach.

"this is where I took you on our first date... our first kiss." he says letting go of my hand.

"June 17 1657." I say rubbing my hand along the tree where we carved our names.

"I love you still Kendra... you may hate me or... He says but I cut him off. I grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back. He puts his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. My phone starts to ring. I unlock our lips and grab it out of my pocket.

"sorry it's Vann." I say answering it

"We are leaving the beach... meet us at the hotel rooms okay?" she says

"okay, grab my stuff for me?" I ask

"hot you covered."she says

"thanks." I say hanging up.

"Now where were we." Kol says smirking. We interlock lips again for a while until we hear something in the woods, giggling.

"teens?" I ask

"feeding time." Kol says flashing over to the people. I follow and we see its Damon, Vann and Klaus.

"Hey..." Vann says trying to look innocent.

"oh god." I say putting my hand on my forehead and shaking my head.

"sorry... we just wanted to see what was going on." Klaus says laughing

"Your guys's first date. 1657 right?" Vann asks

"yeah." Kol says grabbing my hand.

"awh." Vann says jumping like a crazy person.

"what is wrong with you!" I ask laughing.

"I don't know to be honest." Vann says

"Guys, vampires must visit here often." Damon says pointing to a farm filled with Vervain.

"what the hell?" Vann says

"wait... why would vampires visit here?" Klaus asks

"Because they know we're here." Rebekah says.

"where did you go?" I ask

"I met this guy... named Matt." she says

"Matt Donavon?" Vann asks

"yeah... how did you know?" she asks

"Me Him and Kendra used to hang out a lot." Vann says

"whatever... how do they know that we're here." Damon asks

"I have know clue." I say

"Nobody here can be compelled Damon. Matts family and us are the only vampires here." Rebekah says

"well our vacation is ruined." I say.

(Matt Donavan⤵️)(and Rebekah)

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