Why Me?

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Vann's POV
Location:salvatore house
Time:4:00 pm.

I wake up with everyone gathered around me like I'm a Animal at the zoo

"How are you feeling"Kendra ask leaning over me

"I feel like I'm dying"I say as I start to cry

"Well maybe that's because you are"Kol says

"ok kol can you shut the fuck up"Kendra says lifting her hand up like she is going to slap him

"Help me"I cry

"we are trying"damon says kissing my forehead

"Tried"stefan corrects

"What do you mean tried"I ask my tone harsh

"We don't know what's happening to you"Rebekah says crying

"So you guys are just going to let me die"I say my voice filled with anger

"we can't do anything else"elijah says walking over to me

"Good bye vann"Kendra says crying her eyes out while kol try's to comfort her

I try to get words out but next thing I know I'm no longer in my body I'm a Spirit,I see Kendra run up to my lifeless body and out her hands on my face

"Please don't go,PLEASE DONT GO"Kendra screams

"Kendra in right here"I say trying to put hands on Kendra's arm but I can't feel her I she can't feel me,I'm dead

"I love you"stefan whispers into my dead body's ear

"Vann I will see you again this is not over!!"damon yells punching a wall

"I see you and I love you Damon!!"I yell

Next thing I know I'm pale and the whole room looks different

Next thing I know I'm pale and the whole room looks different

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I turn around and there is a unfamiliar girl looking at me

"Hello who are you?"I ask politely

"I'm the anchor,you have to touch me to go to the other side"she says giving me a small smile

"What happens to you when I touch you?"I ask walking closer to her

"I feel all the pain that you have felt when you died"she says giving me a small smile

"Oh ok"I say walking up to her and touching her arm

The only thing that I see that is different is that I can see so many net faces are dead supernaturals,I look around studying my surroundings

"How did you die"a little boy asks running up to me

"I don't know honey"I say kneeling down to his level

"I died because of a wolf"he says looking down

"Alex?"I question

"Yes?"Alex says at me his face full of confusion

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