Another Option

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Vann's POV
Location:salvatore house
Time:11:00 am

"Vann I brought you ice cream.....isn't that what all pregnant girls want?"Stefan says coming up behind me with a tub of ice cream

"There's other options"I say to stefan

"Like what"Stefan asks sitting beside me on the couch

"You know what"I say turning my body so I'm face to face with Stefan

"Vann that's not a option"Stefan says rubbing my back

"Why are you treating this like its a good thing"I say my voice cold

"It is a good thing"Stefan says smiling at me

"No it's not a good thing at all this is going to ruin so many peoples lives"I tell Stefan

"Yes it is a good thing because me and you are fricking hybrids we can't have baby's well we at least thought that we could not have baby's but here we are you are pregnant"Stefan's says smiling at me when he says the word pregnant it made me shiver

"I haven't even told Alex"i says throwing my head back and putting a pillow over my face

"Then we will tell Alex"Stefan says taking the pillow from my hands

"What will be Alex's reaction ugh what if he hates me because of this"I say putting my arms around stefan

"No one will hate you be user of this"Stefan tells me

"Damon does he thinks I'm a shameful knocked up slut" I say hugging stefan tighter

"That's not true you are a Beautiful immortal hybrid that is now carrying a child and that makes you so much stronger and way more powerful"Stefan tells me

"it's not just any child I'm carrying it's yours"I say smiling at Stefan

"I love the sound of that"Stefan says pecking my lips

"What are we?"I ask stefan

"Parents"Stefan says smiling from ear to ear

"That's not what I meant"I say giving stefan and a disappointed look

"I don't know but we are going to be something for the baby"Stefan says putting his hand on my stomach

It then hits me I have to tell so many other people that I'm pregnant because I know that Kendra it eventually going to let it slip

"I have to tell so many people that I'm pregnant"I whine

"It can wait till you start to show"Stefan says

"Ugh I don't even think about how fucking fat I'm going to get"I explain

"I want to tell Alex"I say getting up from the couch

"Where are you going"stefan asks me as I start to walk up the stairs

"I'm going to go get changed...Duh"I say running up the steps

I run into my bedroom and scatter around until I find the perfect outfit I quickly get changed and do simple makeup just mascara,eyeshadow and eyeliner,I then grab my phone and call Alex because he was at Kendra's house hanging out with Lucas,I basically just tell Alex to come home I have something important to tell him he sounds excited yet cautious at the same time

(Vanns outfit⤵️)

"Alex said he'll be here in about five minutes"I tell Stefan

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"Alex said he'll be here in about five minutes"I tell Stefan

"You don't have to tell him if you aren't ready yet"Stefan tells me

"He's my brother I have to tell him even if I'm not ready,Alex has the right to know"I tell Stefan

"It's your baby it's your choice"Stefan says kissing my cheek

"Our baby"I correct with a smile

"I love how that sounds"Stefan says kissing me

I kiss back but with more force than before,I push stefan up against the wall and not breaking the kiss while I do it

"Child about to walk into the room so stop what ever you guys are doing"Alex says about to open The door

"OK were all good come in"I say getting off of Stefan

"so what's the big news and"Alex says  opening the door and walking in

"I really hope you're not mad at me for this"I say to Alex as a take a seat on the bed

"whatever it is I will not be mad at you you know that"Alex says to me as a text to see beside me on the bed as does Stefan

"Come on tell me the big news already I'm dying over here"Alex says jumping on the bed a little bit

"Do you want to tell him or should I"I ask Stefan

"you tell him he is your brother"Stefan says patting me on my back

"Tell me what?!"Alex yells

"OK here goes nothing,.....How do you feel about being a uncle"I say looking at Alex with a smile

It takes a while for that to sink into Alex's head but he eventually turns to me slowly and gives me a huge smile and wraps his arms around me

"Oh my God congratulations tell damon that I say that to"Alex says to me

"The baby is stefan's not Damon's"I tell Alex

"oh I'm sorry Stefan I didn't mean it like that I just thought the baby was Damon's but congratulations stefan"Alex tells stefan with a genuine smile plastered across his face

"I hate to say this Alex but I got other people to tell right now"I tell Alex as I get up from the bed and walk out of the door

"Wait up I'm coming to"Stefan tells me as he try's to keep up with me

It takes about 10 minutes for me and Stefan to arrive at the mikealson house I practically open the door of the car I run into the house but I'm really not happy with what I see,I see Damon,kol and this other girl

"Oh kol I don't know you had a girlfriend"I tell kol

"That's because it's not his girlfriend she's mine"damon explains to me and Stefan

"Oh well congratulations I say to Damon with a fake smile plastered across my face but really I don't like this at all

"Well this day got very crappy very fast"kol say looking from me to stefan
(Damon's girlfriend⤵️)

"Well this day got very crappy very fast"kol say looking from me to stefan ----(Damon's girlfriend⤵️)

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