Till death do us part

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Vanns POV
Location: Hotel room
Time:9:00 am

*one month later (vanns wedding day)*

I am awakened by the sound of someone slamming the hotel room door I blink my eyes a few times and throw the blankets off of me to see who slammed the door, I walk over to the door still half asleep and see that Antonia slammed the door

"what the hell are you doing it's 9 o'clock in the morning"I ask

"you said to wake you up at nine and I'm waking you up at nine by slamming the door so killing two birds with one stone there"Antonia explained to me

"where is everyone else?"I ask confused

"Kendra is with klaus but she will be here any minute and Rebekah is going to pick up the cake but she should also be here any minute"Antonia explains to me

"I'm here lets get this party started"Kendra says running into the hotel room holding Riley

"Hey baby" I say taking Riley out of Kendra's hand

"Give her back you have to get ready let me deal with getting Riley ready"Kendra tells me as she text Riley out of my hands

Riley is going to be our flower girl Damon had this idea not mean which I hate to admit but Damon has really good ideas

"Where is Riley's dress again?"Kendra asks me confused

"it's hanging on my night stand over there"I say pointing to the right side of the room

"OK thanks"Kendra says walking over there

"now time for you to get ready"Rebekah tells me

"I'm so nervous my hands are shaking I'm terrified we have a trip over my dress and fall on my face what if he starts crying in the Lafayette so many things can go wrong all it's just so nerve-wracking"I spit out all in one breath

"honey relax it's just wedding day jitters I'm sure everyone has them just need to get your dress on sit down and take shots and then you'll be relaxed"Rebekah says with a little chuckle afterwards

"Yeah your right it's probably just a wedding day jitters but I can't help but think it"I say With a small smile

"stop procrastinating I need to get your dress on now or else you're never going gonna make it down the aisle in time"Rebekah says pushing be into The other room where my dress is hanging

I take off all my clothes and change into my wedding dress I turned around to look at myself in the mirror I look myself from head to toe and take a deep breath I look good I look like I'm getting married oh my gosh I'm actually getting married this is life-changing I am putting my life into somebody else's hands and they're putting their life into mine forever.

I take off all my clothes and change into my wedding dress I turned around to look at myself in the mirror I look myself from head to toe and take a deep breath I look good I look like I'm getting married oh my gosh I'm actually getting married th...

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"are you OK in there"Antonia asks knocking at the door

I wonder when Antonia arrived in must've been when I was changing

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