I'm In Love With You

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Vanns POV
Location:hotel room
Time:11:52 am

It's been a day since kendra broke things off with klaus to be with kol,I don't know about everyone else but I think something's a little fishy here I brush off the thought and walk across the room and into my suitcase to get my bathing suit

"Almost done?"Damon asks gripping onto my waist

"Does it look like it"I say pointing to my body

"Fine fine I will let you get into your bathing suit"Damon says walking out

"Hello are you ready to go"Rebekah asks coming into the room wearing her pink Bikini

"Oh my God why does everyone keep asking me that I'm not ready yet let me get changed"I say grabbing my bikini then walking into the bathroom

After I'm done changing into my bikini I walk out of the bathroom grabbing things like a towel and stuff like that on my way out

"You sure you're ready now?"Rebekah teases

Yes I'm sure I'm ready now"I say grabbing my iPhone off of the table

"Who else is all coming swimming?"Damon asks

"Well I know for sure that kendra and kol are coming but I don't know about Klaus and Elijah"I say walking out the door

"Ew kendra and kol it does not sound like it works"Rebekah says walking out if the hotel room along with Damon

"True"Damon says closing the door

"Wanna race"Kendra says flashing up to us while she is on kol's back

"Oh hell Ya"I say jumping onto Damon's back

"Rebekah please go to the lake and tell us who in the winner"kol says pointing to the end of the hall

"Ok so who is going to count to three"Damon asks

"Me,ok,1,2,3"I say then we all take off down the hall

"Kol move your ass they are beating us"Kendra scolds kol

"Come on damon we are winning"I whisper in Damon's ear

it takes a couple more seconds but then we arrive at the lake me and Damon won!

"Luck"Kendra says getting off of kol's back

"You wish"I say just to bug her

"You little bitch"Kendra says flashing over to me and picking me up and throwing me into the lake

"I will get you back for that"I say coming up from the water

"Hello klaus"Kendra says turning around to look at klaus

"Hello"klaus says kissing her hand

"Kendra lets go"kol says grabbing Kendra's hand and pulling her off

"Damon I will be back I just have to go do something"I say to damon as I get out of the water

"Ok"Damon says looking at klaus with confused eyes

I follow kol and Kendra until the stop wbehind a large tree,I see kol great Kendra's shoulders then look into her eyes

"you love me you only love me"kol compels

What the actual hell he is compelling her what a dick I need to tell someone,no wait never mind I can't tell someone that he could just as easily compel me and that can't happen I'm the only way to save her

"I love you and only you"Kendra repeats

"Good"kol says then walks away holding her hand as if nothing happened

Great just another problem yes just what I needed.shame on me for thinking I could have a normal vacation with no drama but nope

"Hey are you ok you look worried"Damon says asking up to me and grabbing my waist

"Ya I'm fine lets just go back to swimming"I say grabbing Damon's hand and walk back to the lake

"It's really hot out today"Damon says

"Yup"I say walking into the water

"We will stay here for a while longer then we will go back to the room"Damon whispers in my ear sending shivers down my back

"You have to stop doing that"I say swimming deeper into the water

"Wait up I was never a good swimmer"Damon says trying to swim after me

"I have had years of practice"I say swimming even deeper

"Really a vampire joke"Damon says smacking his head playfully

"Fine I will swim slower"I say swimming over to damon

"Thank you"Damon says swimming farther

"Anything for you"I say

"You made the wrong decision by coming over to me"Damon says giving me a devilish sly smile

"What are you talking ab-"I say but am interrupted by Damon picking me up out of the water and throwing me back into the water

"Your a ass"I say coming up from the water

Out if the corner of my eyes I see kol pick up Kendra and throw her into the water I see Kendra and she looks happy to bad all if the happiness is all fake and not real

"What's up with you"Damon asks me looking concerned

"Oh it's not your concern"I say as I start to swim to shore

"Does it involve you?"Damon asks trailing behind me

How the hell am I supposed to answer that question does "Does it involve me"I'm the one that's holding the secret in my hand

"No"I answer/lie

"Are you sure"Damon says

"Yes damon in sure"I snap back

"I'm sorry if I made you mad"Damon says still swimming

"I'm sorry that I snapped at you it was uncalled for"I say walking ashore

"It's ok"Damon says pecking my lips

"Klaus!"I yell so freaking loudly

"What do you need klaus"Damon says pissed and happy at the same time

"It's a really long story damon"I tell him

"I have time"Damon says crossing his arms

"Well I really need to go talk to him it's kinda urgent"I tell damon as I walk off trying to find klaus

"I'm over here"I hear klaus say

I turn to my left and see klaus sitting on a beach towel reading a book

"Klaus I need to tell you something"I say walking over to him and sitting beside him on the beach towel

"What do you need to tell me?"klaus asks setting down his book
Who would you choose if you were in Kendra's situation?

Who would you choose if you were in vanns situation?

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