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Vanns POV
Location:vanns house
Time:9:00 am

I wake up the next day wait earlier than I should have a look around the room trying to figure out what has awoken me I don't figure it out until I hear another thump come up the stairs then another then another until Damon walks into the room wheeling a suitcase behind him

"i'm going to kill you it's so early"I they putting the covers over my head

"Get up i have a very event full day ahead of us"Damon says pulling The blankets off of me

"Ya i'm thrilled"I say sarcastically

"That's the spirit"Damon says kissing me good morning

"where is Riley this morning"I ask Damon

"With Stefan"Damon tells me

"why is she with Stefan?"I ask confused

"because now that's definitely is single he has more time to be the cool uncle"damon tells me

"do you know where Lydia went after her and Stefan broke up because I haven't heard from her and I'm pretty sure no one else has"I tell Damon with a confused expression on my face

"yeah Stephanie told me that Lydia said goodbye to him and told him to not look for her and that she will be better off without him then she disappeared"Damon tells me

"wow how eventful and sad"I tell Damon

"Stefan a single am I sensing another brother swap?"Damon says in a joking manner

"Watch it"o say putting my hand in the so as if I was going to smack Damon

"Hey hey hey no need for violence"Damon says backing away

"Is anyone else coming?"I ask Damon

"I am"Kendra say coming into the room with a big ass suitcase

"you know we're only staying for a day right?"Damon asks Kendra

"No we are staying for another day now whether you like it or not"Kendra tells Damon

"Is anyone else coming"I ask once more

"We are too"Stefan and klaus say walking in

"why don't we just invite the whole goddamn city"Damon says sarcastically then stomps his feet out of the room

"I swear sometimes he acts worse the Riley"I say getting out of bed

"You're going to go try and get Damon into a good mood before we leave"Stefan and klaus say walking out of the room and closing the door on their way out

After everyone gets ready we hop into Damon's car and start to drive to Mystic Falls let me just tell you that this has to be one of the worst car rides I have ever had in my whole entire existence it's so annoying who knew this many people could give me such a bad headache.

"stop singing"I yell at Kendra

"Wow ok now need to be rude"Kendra says to me

"Oh and who is watched by Riley"Stefan asks me

"Matt and Rebecca"I tell him

"Play a game so the car ride will go by faster"Damon suggests

"I call going first"I say"Stefan would have it rather Date a brunette or a blonde?"

"oh that's not hard question obviously a blonde you're just so bubbly and fun to be around"Stefan tells me "OK my turn, Damon would you rather not have super speed or not be able to compel anyone"

"That's such a hard question I have no idea but if I had to say one would probably have to go without super speed"Damon says "ok Vann did you rather have hands or feet or feet for hands?."

"I mean I love you and all but you're so weird sometimes and answer your question I would have hands for feet"tell Damon

I mean game is weird I know but he can also be sweet, caring funny and just a great guy overall I'm so overjoyed that I will be able to marry him in two months and call him I am on I can't wait to have the perfect family once again, I forgot what a perfect family felt like I haven't had one for 700 years, and into months I will and that makes me so overjoyed

another two hours sitting in the car I'm surprised I survived it so annoying, so many annoying people in one car. What finally we're here we're in Mystic Falls, I haven't been to Mystic Falls and 150 years it looks so much different now

me Damon Stefan Kendra and klaus all pull up. To the Salvatore driveway I can tell we're all happy to be here but exhausted at the same time

"Time to unpack"I say grabbing my suitcase and walking into the Salvatore house

I'm the first one to walk into the saboteur house and I met with an unfamiliar face it's a beautiful blond girl but I'm confused why is she in the Salvatore house?

"who are you?"I ask confused

"i'm Antonia and before you ask why I'm here it's because my House got burned down a couple days ago and I heard that there was a huge house that no one was living in and I just need a place to stay for a while and I thought that this would be perfect I didn't realize that you guys are coming back if I knew that you guys were coming I would've found somewhere else to stay"Antonia explains to me

"Antonia?"Stefan questions walking in

"Stefan long time no see how have you been?"Antonia asks Stefan

"You two know each other?"I ask confused

"I was Stefan's best friend when he was dating Elena"Antonia explains to me

"Well it's nice to meet you"I said put in my hand out

Antonia grabs My hans a shakes it and smiles at me

"Who is this"Kendra asks confusion written all over her face as she walks into the Salvatore house

"I will explain later but for now I'm pretty sure I want to get to know you you seem like a nice person or should I say vampire?"I say then ask

"Hybrid"Antonia says

"I think we're going to get along just nicely"Kendra and I say at the same time then smile at Antonia

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