Almost here

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Vanns POV
Location:salvatore house
Time:1:36 pm.

it's been two months and those two mounts not much as happened Damon has been very nice and very supportive as expected and as for stefan and lydia they have been spending a lot of time together and as for Kendra and Klaus they have had fight but are still together and are excited for their wedding but I don't think they are as excited for their wedding as I am for me and Damon's wedding,wow OMG I almost forgot to mention why's has happens with Alex and Lucas in the last two months well as for Alex he has gotten a girlfriend but I don't know who long it's going to last I mean he's only thirteen but Lucas has also gotten and girlfriend and it seams lurk they are in love well what ever you call love when you are seventeen

"Hey are my ladies doing"damon asks walking into the living room

"We are doing just fine"I reply smiling

"Here..what you asked for"damon says handing me a bowl full of ice cream

"Yes! Thank you"I say grabbing the bowl then giving damon a kiss on his cheek

"Well no need to say thank you I just want to kelp my girls happy"Damon said sitting beside me

"We will always be happy as long as you are sill handsome"I reply putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth

"Is it just me or are you nicer to me when you are eating ice cream"Damon says tapping my nose

"It's not just you"I say smiling at damon

"Wow you are so mean to me sometimes"Damon says kissing me

"Hey I'm not mean I just say what's on my mind"I reply once damon pulling away from the kiss

"One of the many things I love about you"Damon replies smiling

"I could write a book about all the things I love about you"I say back to Damon with a smile on my face

I feel a sudden nudge inside of my whomp like a kick its such and amazing feel that my baby is like trying to communicate with me is such a cool feeling but feels so weird at the same time

"She's kicking"I say grabbing Damon's hand and putting it on my stomach

"Wow"Damon says looking from my stomach to me

"It's our little girl"I say looking at Damon as Damon looks at my stomach with amazement written all over his face

"I can't believe it"Damon replies smiling at me

After about a minute out baby girl finally stopes moving around me and Damon start to talk about names

"I like the name Florence"I say to Damon

"Well I like the name Riley"Damon argues with me

"Nope"I say throwing a mini fit

"Please"Damon begs

"No but I will look at more names if you just shut up for two seconds"I tell Damon

"Fine"Damon says pulling his phone out again

"I always get my way"I say pulling out my phone as well

"I like the name Caroline"Damon tells me

"Sound to simple"I explain

"How about Jackie"Damon says

"It's nice but I don't think I would like name out daughter that"I tell Damon

"I mean this in the nicest way possible but you are so different when it comes to making decisions"Damon tells me

"What is that so posted to mean"I say my tone harsh

"It's not so posted to mean anything"Damon says rubbing circles on my back

"Oh ok it's just my pregnancy mood swings"I explain to Damon

"It's ok and just think you have to go through all of this and in no time we will both hold out baby girl in our arms"Damon says kissing my cheek

"I know but just ugh"I say beginning a sentence then forgetting what I was going to say halfway through it

"your to cute"Damon says pecking my lips

"Am I cute"Alex said walking into the room and throwing himself onto one of the couches

"Yes"I say pinching his cheeks

"Oh Alex what name do you like better Riley or Florence"Damon asks Alex

"Riley I really like that name"Alex tells me and Damon

"Wow no one likes the name Florence"I pout

"Just think when little Riley grows up you can tell her that her father and her uncle pick out her name and that's why she is so special"Alex explains

"Aw that's such a cute thing so say"I say letting a tear fall out of my eyes and travel down my face

"Those pregnancy hormones are hitting you pretty hard today aren't they?"Damon says whipping the tear off of my face

"You really have no idea"I reply sniffling

"I can't believe that so soon I'm going to be able to hold my daughter in my arms are going to be the most magical thing ever"Damon says smiling at me

"I have reason to believe that this conversation no longer involves me"Alex says smiling at me and getting up off the couch and leaving the room

"he is a pretty awkward kid isn't he"Damon says looking at me and trying to hold back a huge laugh

"don't say that that is my brother you're talking about"say smacking Damon's arm and a playful manner

"babies going to be born into the most dysfunctional group of people ever"I say trying to hold back a laugh

"don't remind me we are so dysfunctional I can't even believe it"Damon tells me with a smile on his face you can tell that he's kidding but we are pretty dysfunctional at times

"Who do you think is the most dysfunctional in the whole group?"I ask Damon

"Kendra and kol you can tell that kols practically still in love with her but she's going to marry klaus so it does not matter,you can even tell that when she looks at kol you can see the hatred in her eyes it's like she wants to kill him, is anyone is dysfunctional it's them"Damon explains to me

"I've never heard anything more true my life"I reply laughing

"aw your so cute even your baby bump moves when you laugh it's adorable"Damon tells me

"You act like you just saw a puppy"I tell Damon smiling

"did I ever tell you that I cannot wait to spend my whole eternity with you I love you so much"Damon tells me as he grabs both of my hands and holds them

"I could say the exact same thing future husband"I reply smiling

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