Get Out

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Vann's POV.
Location:Salvatore house.
Time:2:00 pm.

The next day.

I wake up in the morning to see Damon still sleeping soundly beside me I look onto my left Side and grab my phone off my nightstand I click the home button and check the time it's 12 PM, damn I must've taken care of Riley a couple hours ago but she's probably anxious to get out of her crib I threw the blankets off my body put on my slippers I walk over to the other side of the bed and kiss Damon on the cheek before walking out of the room and down the hallway into Riley's room I walk across the room to see that Riley sleeping in her crib I have to wake her up or else she won't sleep tonight and that's the last thing I need
Right now.

"Baby"I say leaning over Riley's crib smiling.

Riley is tiny eyes flutter open she catches a glimpse of my face and smiles, Riley Sighs and then stretches.

"Hey Riley baby are you excited today you're going to spend the day with uncle Stefan!"I said taking Riley out of her crib and tickling her stomach resulting in Riley smiling at me and giggling.

I do rallies normal routine I feed her I get her dressed and stuff like that after an hour passes Stefan and Lydia come and pick up Riley I'm surprised that Damon still sleeping well on the other hand he has been taking all the night shifts for Riley the whole week so he deserves to sleep in a bit.

I got my phone checked the time it's 1 PM oh my gosh I need to wake Damon up and get ready Kendra and klaus are coming over for the couples day today I totally forgot.

I run into me and Damon bedroom frantically and almost falling causing damon to wake up in the process

"What the hell are you doing,what is it like six in the morning"Damon says waking up man I love his voice in the morning is just so husky so sexy

"Did I ever tell you how hot you sound in the morning"I say crawling onto the bed beside Damon

"I could say the same about you" Damon says setting up and grabbing my face and kissing me roughly

"Ugh this is bad we need to get ready Kendra and klaus we're gonna be here soon"I say breaking the kiss

"Oh it's always somebody that has to break up our moments"Damon complains

"Oh sorry baby it's not like I can control what they do"I tell Damon as I hop off of the bed

"actually you can I believe because we are part vampire we can compel people which means we can't control what they do"Damon explains to me

"I don't remember asking you"I reply smiling at him

"I think you did"Damon says throwing the blanket off of himself

"Nope I don't recall"I say walking into my closet

"What you going to wear today?"Damon asks me

"I don't know that's why I'm looking in my closet"I tell Damon

"Gosh are you sassy this fine morning"Damon tells me

"correction it's afternoon"I say turning around so I can look at Damon

"I will be downstairs if you need me"Damon says turning around

"hey no wait you still need to get dressed I don't think Kendra and klaus will think you look as good shirtless as I think you do"I tell Damon

I look in the closet some more it takes me about 10 minutes but I finally find the perfect outfit

I look in the closet some more it takes me about 10 minutes but I finally find the perfect outfit

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