I Can Go Back?!

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Vanns POV.
Location:the other side(where the hell else would she be she's dead,)
Time:no one knows.

"I never liked her with kol"Lucas says as we watch Kendra break up with Kol

"Do you think that she will go for klaus next"Alex says/asks

"Maybe"I say still watching "this is so fricking cool I can just watch over people and they don't even know"I squeal

"Oh crap she just hugged elijah I'm going to win this bet"Alex says looking at Lucas

"Shit I wanted her to get with klaus"Lucas says looking mad

"Oh it's ok Lucas I'm sure she will be with klaus by next week"I say laughing

*Later that day*

"Are you sure you want to go watch over stefan I know you guys have been through a lot"Alex says

"That's why I want to go watch over him because we have been through so much and he still loves me"I say walking a bit faster

"Ok here we are"Alex says as we start to watch over stefan

I walk up to stefan and look over his shoulder and see that he is writing In his journal it says...

Today I lost her the one thing I thought I would never lose the one thing in this sick world that makes me want to be good,and now she's gone,I like to think that she is watching over me that she is happy and not sad,damon is having the hardest time with her death,I hate to see him like this,vann also meant the world to damon,the worst thing about how damon is dealing with her death is that he acts like it's not that big of a deal but on the inside you can tell that damon is breaking,I loved when vann smiled but I loved it even more when I was the reason

"I thought that I could handle this but I can't"I say walking away,Alex trailing behind me

"I understand"Alex says walking faster

"No I don't think you do you where only alive for thirteen years"I yell

"I'm sorry"Alex says loping down

"Now I am sorry It was rude I did not mean to snap at you"I say as I try to apologize to Alex

"No it's ok I get it this is a lot to take in"Alex says smiling at me

"You know how much I missed you"I say smiling back at Alex

"Ya being apart from your brother for seven hundred years will do that to you"Alex says trying to hold back a laugh

"Wow you are so much like me so much of a smart ass"I say laughing

"No that's just you"Alex says bursting out laughing

"Wow your mean"I say laughing at Alex

"Don't look now there that bitch...Katherine"Alex says with a nasty look plastered on his face

"First of all don't swear second of all just walk away and act like you don't see her"I say looking at Katherine then walking away

"Ok well then I'm pretty sure that she saw us"Alex says then pauses then adds "and now she walk walking this way"

"Great just great I almost forgot that I killed her"I say walking faster

"Well you are going to have to suck it up and talk to her"Alex says stopping then looking at me

"I rather not"I say still walking

"Vann"Alex says

"Fine"I say walking back to Alex

"Hello vann funny seeing you here"Katherine says walking up to me and Alex

"Funny I knew you where going to be here remember I did kill you"I say smirking

"And I killed you"Katherine says giving me a bitchy smile

"So I guess we are even"I say turning around I'm about to walk away when Katherine says something

"I don't know why you miss damon and Stefan I know them way better than you do"Katherine says then adds"if you know what I mean"

"I pretty sure you know a lot of people better than anyone does"I say then pause like Katherine did"if you know what I mean"

"Stefan said that he loved me"Katherine snaps

"He told me that too but I think he only meant it when he said it to me"I reply smiling,making Alex laugh

"Damon also told me that he loved me"Katherine says fast

"He told me that too,I could do this all day bitch"I reply smiling

"Ugh"Katherine yell throwing her Hands down angrily and walking away

"Bye bye I hope to not run into you again"I call after Katherine as she keeps on walking away from me

"Wow sis wait to tell her off"Alex says laughing

"Yup Someone need to do more than tell her off"I say laughing

"I hate her I even hated her when she was still living"Alex says looking pissed

"Ya join the club"I say as I start to walk again

"I forgot to tell you something"Alex says looking around

"What did you forget to tell me?"I ask Alex as I walk closer to him

"Esther wants us to go talk to her"Alex say looking at me

"Why does she want to talk to us"I ask Alex

"I don't knew maybe thats why she wants to talk to us"Alex says sarcastically

"Shut up"I say laughing pushing his

"Vann nice to see you again"esther says smiling at me

"You wanted to talk to us"I say my tone upbeat

"What if I said I could bring you back"Esther says smiling at me

"Why would you bring me back to the living?"I ask trying to be nice

"Because if I bring you back that means that Kendra is happy and if Kendra is happy then my sons are happy and I just want my sons to be happy"Esther says smiling at me

"I'm in"I say smiling

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