You Can't Stop Me

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Riley's POV
Time:4:00 pm

*One Mouth Later*

"I'm bored"I complain

"then entertain yourself"Malia tells me

"wow thanks for the help"I reply

"Kai wants Hang out"Malia tells me

"Cool,when?"I ask

"Today and in like tens mins but he just wants to hang out with you"Malia tells me

"I don't want to just leave you here alone with my brother"I say feeling sorry for Malia

"It's ok I can hang out with Reese we can watch a movie and eat junk food like we used to do when we where all kids"Malia tell me

"Ya but when we where kids Reese had a crush on you"I tell Malia

"Ya Im glad he's over that"Malia says with a sigh

"well I better get ready to go,want to help me pick out a outfit?"I ask

"Sure."Malia replies

"I think that this is really cute"I say walking across the room and into my closet

"Ya it's really sexy"Malia says looking at her phone

"Ya it's really sexy"Malia says looking at her phone

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"I'm going over to Kai's now"I tell Malia

"Have fun and use protection"Malia tells me as I walk through The bedroom door and then walk downstairs and open the front door and close it behind me I walk to my car and start it I drive over to Kai's house

"Hey"I say after knocking on the door three times

"Hey what's up"Kai says gesturing for me to come in

"Where are your parents?"I ask slipping my heals off at the door

"they went away for the weekend"Kai tells me

"Cool"I say walking into the living room

"so what do you want to do first we could watch a movie we could go to the park walk around there there's a fun fair that just got into town maybe you would want to go there?"Kai asks me

"The fair sounds fun"I say laughing

"OK then get your shoes back on and we can go"Kai says in a I said jokingly pushing my shoulder a little bit

me and Kai get into his car and start to drive to the fair it takes about 30 minutes because the fair is just outside of town Drive there was kind of awkward but I don't that he'll say anything about it at least I hope not

"It's getting dark already"Kai says surprised

"yeah it is"I say looking at my watch and seeing that it's five

"Ya but that's ok because the fair closes at twelve"Kai tells me

Me and Kai walk up to the fair we decide to get wristbands that we can go on as many rides as we can kai pays for his wristband and I'm about to pay for mine when Kai gives the person the money for my wristband

"you did not need to do that?"I tell Kai

"yeah but I wanted to"Kai says smiling at me

"Do you want to play games first or do you want to go into rides"I ask Kai

"I think we should go on rides first because if we do win anything from the games then we're going to have to carry it around everywhere so it would be a better idea if we go on the rides at the end"Kai tells me

"that's a good idea,who are you Einstein?"I say jokingly

"you will never know"Kai says jokingly

"Your a dork"I say lightly pushing his shoulder

"Your beautiful"Kai says playfully pushing me back

"Ok I have a question"I state

"Ok fire away"Kai says facing me

"can I pick the ride we go on first"I ask politely

"I thought you were going to ask me really serious question man was I totally wrong"Kai says playfully

"I want to go on that one"I say looking at a huge roller coaster in the distance as loops interns it's really high and it looks terrifying

"are you sure that looks fucking scary"Kai asks me

"yes I'm sure just want to test my limits and I'm pretty sure on that roller coaster I'm going to be testing my limits"I tell him

"OK but don't chicken out on me at the last minute when we're about to get on"Kai  says playfully pushing my shoulder

"I wouldn't dare"I tell him as I start sprinting at a human pace to the roller coaster

It takes me one minute at running at a human papers to get to the roller coaster Kai  is a little bit behind me he was never a fast runner

Kai catches up to me then they open the gates to let everyone onto the roller coaster Kai runs in front of me and takes the first row of seats

"are you crazy I hate the first row of seats"I tell him

"too bad we're sitting in the front"Kai says giving me a reassuring look

"Ok"I say sitting beside Kai the guy comes around and straps everyone and then it's time to start the ride "I want to get off"

"Sorry it's too late"Kai tells me then we start moving

"Holy shit"I say because the ride is already moving at full speed and we're not even 10 seconds into it

I keep my eyes close that I feel that the roller coaster is going in the loop they open my eyes and see the whole world is upside down, I grip on so hard to my seat that my hands start to get clammy

After that we start to slow down I think it's almost the end of the ride but then I look ahead and see that we're going up really high I don't like heights

"It's ok"Kai says grabbing my hand

after that ride me and Kai just go around playing games and going on random rides until The fair is about to close then we decide to go on the Ferris wheel before we go, we get on to the Ferris wheel and we go around two times and then the third time we stop right at the top me and Kai slowly turn our heads to look at each other then he strokes my cheek and looks me in the eyes and connects his lips with mine, i'm going to cherish this magical moment

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