Chapter One

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Beep beep
Beep beep

I open my eyes and it was the alarm clock. It's 6:30 already? I thought to myself. I swiped my phone to turn the alarm off. Time for another amazing day at school. Note the sarcasm. I get up from my bed and walk over to the bathroom, I look like a mess. My hair was all over the place and there was bags under my eyes. I sighed and got undressed to take a shower


When I was done my makeup and my hair was practically dry, I rushed to my closet. I decided to wear a black tank top with a flannel and a pair of black skinny jeans. I straighten my hair and put on a beanie.


Once I was ready I headed downstairs, I walked to the kitchen and my mom was up.

"Morning" I mumbled sitting at the table and I pulled my phone out.

"Good morning, do you want breakfast?" She asked

"It's okay, thank you though" I replied. I checked the time and it was 8:09am "I gotta go, bye mom" I waved

"Have a good day at school!" I heard her yell as I was at the door. I put on my converse and started walking to Bee's house. Since she lived across the street from me we always walk to school together. I seen her walk out from her house and I went over to her.

"Morning sunshine" I smiled.

"Morning, I barely any sleep" She complained

"Want to stop to get something to drink?" I asked

"Yeah, first let's see if the boys want to come" She replied taking out her phone to text them. We stood there for a few seconds when Bee's phone vibrated. She opened it and read what the text said

"Joe and Zack is coming, but Mitchell is not. I don't know about Zach though" She said

"I'll text him" I got my phone and texted him. I got a immediate response "He said he'll pass" I said

"Let's go, Joe and Zack will meet us there" Bee announced as we started walking. Whenever we hang out, our conversation is full of laughter. She one of my best friends, I honestly wouldn't know what to do without her


We arrived at Starbucks and there's Joe and Zack at the door. We waved them over

"Hey Bee, hey Liz" Joe greeted

"Morning girls" Zack waved

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked

"It's 8:25" Bee said. We all walked inside to get our drinks. I got my usual and went to go sit at a table and waited for the others. When they all got their drinks, they came and sat down with me

"Are you guys ready for another amazing day of education?" I asked sarcastically

"Yeah, today is going to be so fun" Joe replied playing along

"Yep, with the math and the history. Today is going to be great" Zack laughed

"We should get going, school starts soon" Bee pointed out

"You're right, shit let's go" I said under my breath. We all got up and started walking. I put one of my earbuds in to listen to music but also to hear what they were saying. But I never really listen to what they're saying anyways because I always get distracted.


We got there and it was 8:50, we got here with time to spare. Since class starts at 9. We walked in and there was Jordan, making out with another girl. Seems like there's always a different girl each day. It's like a schedule on who gets to be his 'girlfriend' for the day. I hid behind Joe and Zack hoping he wouldn't see me.

"What are you doing?" Zack asked

"Jordan" I replied

"Ahh" he nodded knowing that I didn't want to see him.

"Liz!" Jordan yelled

"Oh god" I sighed

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