Chapter Six

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The bell rang and everyone came in class. I had Bee on my left and Will on my right.

"Did he actually do that?" Will asked Bee. They were talking about something and I seen Jordan come in

"Oh god" I said trying to cover my face

"What?" Will asked

"Nothing" I said. Will looked over to Jordan and smiled

"Is that the guy you liked?" He teased

"Will that's not even funny. That's gross" I said

"It's the opposite, he likes her" Bee explained as Jordan came up to the table and sat down across from me

"Hey babe, sorry for hitting you. I regret so much. No hard feelings right?" He smiled

"No hard feelings? You fucking kicked Zach repeatedly, which you made him cough up blood, then you fucking punched me repeatedly. What do you mean no hard feelings. Fuck off" I said

"Aww don't be like that. You know I didn't mean it. You'll look back on this and laugh. When you're with me of course"

"Jordan, listen to me, make this information go though your tiny, little brain, I don't like you, at all. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not your best friend, I'm not even your friend. You got that?" I whispered/yelled

"I know one day your going to like me. When that day comes, I'll be waiting" He smirked "See you later sweet cheeks" He winked as he walked over to his table with his friends

"Oh my god I'm even sure if he's real, like no one can actually be like that" I cringed

"Wow, he's-he's something" Will said "D-did he actually hit you?" He said with concern in his voice

"Yeah, but I'm fine now. Don't worry about me" I said

"Good afternoon class, we'll be returning to the project you were working on yesterday. Everyone get your stuff and Elizabeth, get Will started on his" Mr. Gordon said

"It's Liz" I replied

"Oh sorry Liz" He corrected

"So Elizabeth, what do I do?" Will teased

"Don't say that, I don't like Elizabeth. I prefer Liz" I said

"Why? Elizabeth is such a beautiful name, like you" Will said making me blush

"You haven't known him a full hour and he's already flirting with you" Bee said

"Shut up Bee" I said playfully hitting her. I got everything Will need for his project and we started working. We were doing pottery and the slip (I think that's how you spell it) somehow gotten everywhere. It covered our hands and gotten on our faces and on Will's neck. This is probably the best class I had in awhile. I look over to Jordan and he was staring at me. I smirked and started working on my pot again.


The bell rang and we started to clean up.

"Hey Will want to hang out after school? We're going to go get something to eat" I offered

"Yeah, it's going to be me, Liz and a couple of our friends" Bee added in

"Yeah that'll be fun" Will agreed

"Yay, meet us in the lobby after school, 'kay?" Bee said

"Okay, see you later" Will said leaving the class since we were done cleaning up

"Oh god, English. With Jordan!" I complained

"It's not going to be that bad" Bee said

"I sit next to him remember?" I said

"Oh yeah, good luck" She said walking out to her class

"Thanks I'm going to need it.." I sighed

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