Chapter Thirty Three

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~ Will's POV ~

I was getting ready to go pick up Liz. I got my jacket and went out the door and I quickly headed down the the supermarket to get some ingredients. I decided that we were going to bake. Even though I wasn't a great baker or cook, I hope Liz is.

I ran in the store quickly grabbing a variety of sweets and baking ingredients.

"Will?" A female voice said behind me. I turned around and a girl with blond hair was standing there with a grin on her face.

"Umm hi" I said awkwardly, I don't know this person but she seems to know me.

"Do you remember me?" The girl asked

"I'm sorry, I don't. But I really need to get going" I said checking the time.

"It's Sophia, Sophia Williams" She stated "We dated in year 10"

"Right, Sophia" I said "How are you?"

"I'm good. How about you? You're looking great since the last time I saw you" She smiled grabbing a strand of her hair and twirling it in between her fingers. When I looked at her, she was wearing a quite revealing outfit. She wore a shirt the showed most of her breasts and one wrong move and it will be a disaster. She wore it with so called shorts but it was basically pants since it was so short.

"Yeah thanks, listen it was great seeing you but I have to go" I say. I tried walking around her but she grabbed my arm

"Where are you going?" She asked "Now that I'm here, we can pick up where we left off a couple years ago" She stepped closer to me then I stepped back. This went on until I was at the wall. I started to feel incredibly uncomfortable, she suddenly pressed her lips onto mine.

"What are you doing? You broke up with me" I whispered/shouted as I slightly pushed her off. She just giggled as she bit her lip

"That was before you left England and I realized I missed you. I only want to be with you. Plus looking at you now, I was so dumb to break up with you" Sophia said trying to act seducing.

"Look, I have a girlfriend" I stated. She stepped back a couple steps then smiled

"I would be surprised if you didn't" She said writing on a small piece of paper then handed it to me. "Call me if you get bored of her" She winked

~ Liz's POV ~

It was 10 after 5 and I was waiting to get picked up. Then it turn to 20 minutes then 30 minutes. I was starting to get worried.

"He's coming, don't worry Liz" Bee said trying to comfort me

"Worried? Who's worried?" I said starting to rub my hands together

"Well you're starting to rub your hands together which indicates you're worried" She states. I sighed falling face down on my bed.

Every second I became more worried. I tried texting him but he wasn't answering. I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. Once I checked the time it was 6:15pm

"What if he's not coming?" I asked mainly to myself. As if on cue, I heard little tapping on my window. I walk over drawing the curtains and it was Will, he was throwing pebbles. Felt like a 100 ton weight has just been lifted off my chest once I saw him.

"Look who finally came" I genuinely smiled

"I know, I'm late. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" He said

"I don't know, what if I don't want to go anymore?" I joked

"Well, I'll just sit here until you come out" Will said as he sat on the grass.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec" I smiled closing the window

"Told you he was coming" Bee said as I turned around

"Yeah okay, see you tonight?" I asked

"Okay, you better tell me everything" She said as we both walked downstairs. She went to her house as I went behind to where Will was

"That was more than a minute" Will joked still in the same spot but laying down

"I'm sorry I'm not the flash" I said holding my hand out to help him up. We walked over to the car, once I climbed in I saw the backseat was full of sweets "What's all this?" I asked

"Well, I thought instead of going out, we can bake." He replied with a smiled plastered on his face

"I'm not much of a baker" I said

"Me either, but I think we can manage" We drove off to Will's place. The car ride consisted of us purposely singing badly, eating some of the ingredients, and telling really lame jokes.

"What's brown and sticky?" I asked

"What?" He asked looking at me with a disgusted look

"A stick" I burst into laughter even though it was so bad

"Oh my god that was the worst one yet" Will laughed

Once we were there, we gathered everything and placed it on the counter.

"Oh, hey Liz" Will's mom said walking in the kitchen

"Hey, whoa you look great" I complimented, she word a black dress with heels and her hair was curled placed on her shoulders.

"Really? Thank you. I'll be back later tonight, see you later Will" She said walking out the door

"Where is she going?" I asked

"I have no idea" He replied "Alright, what do you want to make?"

"What about brownies?" I asked, he agreed at we started to get everything we need

Getting close to 4K read oMg
Another chapter will be up later today. I missed writing, even though it's crap 😂

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