Chapter Thirty Two

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~ Will's POV ~
It's been about a month since our first date. Liz stopped asking what she said that night. Every time I think of that moment, a goofy grin spreads across my face. I don't know when or if I'm going to tell her.

Today was our 6th date, and I plan on asking her to make it official. I say plan because I hope not to overthink and chicken out. I shouldn't be making a big deal out of this but overthinking is my middle name. I want to make it memorable for her. But not embarrassing for me.

I pull a sweater over my body and walked downstairs.

"Morning mum" I greet sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Morning" She answers as she prepares breakfast.

"I'm going out with Liz tonight" I say grabbing an apple from the bowl and taking a bite out of it.

"Liz is a sweet girl" She replies

"Yeah, she is" A smile grew on my face

"Are you and Liz a thing?" She asks turning towards me and leaning on the counter.

"Umm," I hesitate not knowing what to say "we haven't made it official yet"

"Really? How many date have you two been on?" She asked

"Tonight is our 6th" I replied taking another bite

"And you're not official yet? Your dad asked me on our 2nd date" She states

"I guess I'm just scared" I admit

"Of what? Rejection? Honey, she has been on 5 dates with you. I think she's waiting for you to ask her," She walks over to the breakfast bar and leans on it "Plus, I've seen the way she looks at you" A smile spread upon my face throwing the core of the apple on the garbage

"Thanks mum, you made me less worried" I say

"No problem honey, now where are you taking her?"

~ Liz's POV ~

"6 dates? 6?" Bee asks "You two aren't official?" It was around 9am and I spent the night at Bee's. Our night last night consisted of Netflix and attempting to cook pizza.

"So what? What about last year when you dated that kid, what was his name... That kid Ethan, how many dates did you go on before making it official?" I ask as she puts up 4 fingers. "Dammit" I say as Bee laughs

"6 dates, that's a lot" She says quietly

"We're just moving slow" I state

"Yeah, light year slow. Jesus, 6 dates Liz" Bee said

"Okay, let's stop talking about how much dates I've on with Will" I said

"What time is the date tonight?" She asks

"Around 5" I reply

"Alright, hey do you want to go out for breakfast? I don't think there's no breakfast foods here"

I agreed and we headed out to eat. We both decided to walk instead of driving. It was a hot day with a slight breeze. The sun rays it my crème skin as I walk down the road with Bee by my side.

We reached out destination then took our seats. We ordered our food then a couple moments later plates were placed in front of us with our meals on it.

"What do you plan on doing?" Bee asked

"I don't know to be honest, he never tells me what we're gonna do" I say with a mouth full of food.

"Hey sweet cheeks, haven't spoken to you in awhile." I heard a voice say behind me. My breath hitches, as I cringe hearing him say those words again.

"Jordan" I faked smiled

"The one and only" He smiled taking a seat beside me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, his breath smelled of alcohol. My nose wrinkled from the smell as I was trying to push him off.

"What do you want?" I asked

"I heard some things, from some people. They say you and lover boy aren't official," He smiled at me poking my arm as I rolled my eyes. "how many dates have you love birds been on? 2? 3? 4? Oh right 5 dates. He's just wasting your time Liz. Stop going out with him, like he's going to make it official. I mean, I would make it official on the first date if I was him. Who wouldn't? He's not going to do it Liz, I know he's not. Maybe he's like me, if not worse." The more Jordan spoke, the more anxious I became. Actually thinking of his words, then the sadder I became. Jordan must've caught on the change of mood within me as he slightly chuckled. "Thinking of what I'm saying aren't you?" He whispered coming close to my ear.

"Whatever happened to 'I need to move on'?" I asked using the words he said to me on prom night.

"Answering a question with a question, and I don't want to move on. A girl like you, who wouldn't want to be with you?" Jordan said pulling me closer "You know, besides lover boy" He smirked

"Get lost Jordan" Bee said

"Alright, I have a bottle of vodka with my name on it, Liz, you have my number. Bye Bianca, later Liz" He winked as he exited the building.

"Oh my god, that boy needs to stop" Bee said running her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah" I said biting my lip

"Wait, you aren't actually listening to what he was saying" Bee asked as I shrugged "Don't listen to him. Will is going to ask you. I know it"

"How? Maybe Jordan is right" I said

"Stop right there, first that boy is drunk, second I know he likes you Liz." A sigh leaves my lips as I ask for the check.

"Let's go" I say as we leave. As we walk down the street, Bee goes on how Jordan is wrong. I block her words out trying to convince myself he's wrong. But the same thoughts climb into my brain saying that Will isn't going to ask. Even having second thoughts about the date tonight....

Long chapter because I haven't updated in awhile. Sorry. But today Will tweeted Jordan and they followed each other oMg
Tbh I legit cried when Will tweeted Jordan lmao

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