Chapter Twenty Seven

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We all made it to the prom. Me and Will were behind while everyone else was ahead. I suddenly felt something grab my hand then I look up and it was Will. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We walked in the room and everyone was dressed so fancy and the room was huge and beautifully decorated.


Will and I were in the corner sitting on a couch while everyone was up and talking to each other. It's been an hour or so since we got here and my feet were killing me. I wish I just wore sneakers, my dress doesn't even show my feet. Also all the girls hair was in an updo, like it's a rule to have it up. Me on the outer hand, my hair was curled and left down. I looked around the room and saw Bee and Zack was walking towards us.

"Wow you guys are party animals. You need to calm down" Bee teased.

"Yeah, life of the party right here" Will played along pointing to us. Zack broke into hysterical laughter.

"Alright guys, time to announce the prom king and queen." The principle said through the mic. The room went silent while the principle opened an envelope. "The prom king is Jordan!" (I forgot his last name lol) The room was full of cheers as Jordan walked to the stage. "And the prom queen is... Elizabeth Rose!" I just stood there in shock. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Everyone around me was cheering and congratulating me. Bee helped me walk to the stage and Jordan stared at me smirking. I stood beside him as the students put the king and queen crowns on us. We stood there for another moment as everyone cheered once more. "Alright, time for the prom king and queen dance!" He announced again.

As we made our way down, a slow song started playing. We stopped and faced each other, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist, with distance between us. We started swaying side to side. Now that I think of it, it's such a weird dance. I looked around and everyone was staring. I looked everywhere but up at Jordan. Once I did, he was looking around also. We made eye contact and he smiled at me and I returned the gesture. More and more people started to join in and grabbing a partner. Joe, Zack, Bee, Zach, and Mitchell found a dance partner also. I couldn't help but look for Will, I spotted him at a table alone. Jordan looked at him also and turned back to me.

"Go, ask him to dance." He said.

"What really?" I asked in shock. Knowing the old Jordan, he would've went as far from Will as possible.

"Yeah, you guys are cute together. Plus I need to move on and this isn't really helping" He said as we both laughed. We let go of each other and I walked towards Will. I look back at Jordan and he was no where in sight. I shrugged it off and continued squeezing between the crowd. When I was finally close to him, I smiled and took a deep breath.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked nervously worried of rejection

"Oh.. um y-yeah, sure" Will stuttered I took his hand and lead him through the crowd till we were in the middle of the room. I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him. He put his arms around my waist and my arms were around his neck. I pulled him closer and rested my head him his chest. He took this by surprise then pulled me closer as well. Butterflies formed in my stomach while his arms were around me. I looked up at his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes which made me melt everytime I would look into them and they were staring back into my dull brown eyes. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"You look really amazing tonight" Will complimented

"You told me this like a million times already" I smiled

"Yeah but it's true. The way you curled hair rests perfectly on your shoulders. The way the makeup -which I don't even think you need- brings out your beautiful brown eyes. The way your dress compliments your figure. The way your perfectly pink plumped lips makes them so kissable--" Will stops at the end when he realized what he said. He looks at the ground as his face turns a bright red from being embarrassed and I couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness.

"You're too cute" I teased pecking his lips. My cheeks started hurting from smiling. This time Will leaned his pressing his lips onto mine. I was surprised then started kissing back. Our lips moved almost in sync. My stomach was filled with butterflies once again, this time going crazy and fluttering around non stop. I felt fireworks was going on around us. I felt that spark between us, shivers was going up and down my spine.

We pulled apart and I started blushing like crazy. I avoid eye contact with him and once I look back, he was just staring at me smiling.

"What?" I said breaking the silence

"You're too cute" Will said repeating my words. We put our foreheads together and closed our eyes. Listening to the music and our breathing. It felt like it was just us in the world. As cliché as that sounds but it's true. This moment lasted forever but I didn't want it to end.

As on cue, the song ended and everyone parted.

"Be right back" Will said, he headed his way to the washroom. I smiled making my way the the couch me and Will was before. Bee was making her way towards me and sat down.

"That was adorable" Bee said

"What?" I questioned

"You know what I mean. You and Will are so cute. That moment you guys just shared... Ugh, that was purely beautiful" Bee said in awe. I didn't say anything but just smiled. "So what do you want to do after this?" Bee asked

"I don't know. Probably just go home" I shrugged

"What? No, come over please?" Bee asked

"But, nevermind. Sure why not?" I said

"Yay! So, about that kiss with Will..."

"Oh my god Bee, you are so noisy" I teased

~ Will's POV ~

I'm such a coward. I just ran away from Liz after that moment we shared. I walked into the bathroom splashing water in my face, then I heard the door open and close. It was Mitchell

"What's up man?" He asked. I nodded continuing to splash water then started myself in the mirror. I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm hiding the bathroom from a girl I just kissed. I'm acting like a child. But I can't seem to get myself back out there.

"Look, I never really apologized" Mitchell said breaking my train of thought

"About what?" I asked

"That rumor of the bet. I didn't make it up, I promise. I heard Ryan talking about it and.."

"Look man, it's okay. Forgive and forget right?" I said and he nodded

"Hey, why are you in here anyways? Isn't Liz waiting for you" He asked

"Being a coward" I laughed as Mitchell did too.


I finally got myself to come out of the bathroom and see Liz. We sat at our antisocial couch in the corner talking an laughing. Soon the others joined us pulling chairs..

~ Liz's POV ~

The prom was coming to an end. All of us were ready to leave. I was ready to take my makeup off and sleep. But we had to drop off all the boys before any of that can happen. I asked my mom to go to Bee's and she was okay with it since it was the weekend.


We dropped of Mitchell which was the last person. We said our goodbyes then drove off.

"Finally!" I said in relief as Bee laughed.

"Long night" She announced

"But amazing" I pointed out.

"Yeah, especially what happened between you and Will" Bee smirked.

"Bee shut up" I said

"Aww, wittle Wiz is blushing" Bee teased making a baby voice

"Stop!" I yelled while trying to hide my face. Bee laughed at my embarrassment.

"Okay, let's just go home. Because I am ready to pass out" She smiled


That was the longest chapter I wrote in this book I think...

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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