Chapter Seven

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I walked into English and everyone was ready in their seat. But Jordan wasn't here, yet. I sat down in my seat which was in the back. I waited for a few minutes and Jordan walked in

"Hey sweet cheeks" He greeted

"Hi Jordan" I said

"Wow, someone actually said hi to me, lovely" Jordan smiled

"Yep" I said. I didn't want to deal with his bullshit right now. I didn't want to make it hard for myself

"So prom is coming" He started saying. Oh god, is he really going to ask me?

"Yeah it is" I replied

"Yeah and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me" He finished

"I would love too." I started to say

"Really?" He face lit up

"Yeah, but I'm already going with someone" I lied. Well, not fully, I'm going with friends.

"What who? Is it that guy that was sitting beside you?" Jordan asked. I just shook my head smiling. "Who then?"

"Someone" I said. I find it funny that he's getting mad over this

"Who? Tell me" He said hitting the table

"Woah, someone's getting mad" I smiled

"I just want to know who you're going with" He said

"Ask nicely" I said

"Please tell me?" He asked softly

"Ryan" I smirked knowing that he'll get mad that one of his friends asked the girl he likes to prom

"Ryan? The Ryan I know?" He asked "Asshole" he said under his breath

"Yeah" I said. The teacher came in and took his jacket off.

"Good afternoon class, today we're going to be starting a project. It'll be in partners-" He explained but was interrupted by students pick their friends as partners. "But I'll be choosing who you get to work with" Immediately students was disappointed

"Why can't we choose our own partners?" A guy asked

"Because you won't do any work if you're working with friends. Anyways this project will be a story. It has to be 10 pages at least, have 5 characters, and has to have a plot twist. It'll be due next Tuesday, so that's about 1 and a half weeks. Once I was who you're working with, go sit with them. Joe and Zack. Kayla and Brad. Jenny and Hannah. Liz and-"

Please don't say Jordan. Please don't say Jordan. Please don't say Jordan. I thought

"-Jordan" He said

Of course he has to say Jordan. Once he finished the class got started.

"So partner, what should the story be about?" He asked

"I don't know, how about a girl who is being bugged by a guy she doesn't like, but yet he can't take a hint" I said

"It needs 5 characters. That's 2"

"The girl, the guy, his friend, and 2 of her friends. Bam! 5 characters" I said

"What's the plot twist? He girl falls in love with the guy?" He asked

"Umm.." I honestly didn't think this though. "Nah, he dies" I said

"Jesus, you said it so casually too" He chuckled as I laughed too "But that's a horrible story. Why don't we write a horror story"

"What would it be about?" I asked. This is probably the longest we actually got along in awhile

"How about there's a kid who's always alone. But everything he's alone a spirit visits him." He explained

"What's the plot twist?" I asked

"He finds out this spirit is evil and the spirit possesses him then kills his family" He said

"Jeez and you think my story is horrible" I laughed

"But of course it won't be exactly like that" He trailed off

"Actually yeah, I like it." I said writing down what he said. I think I might like this project

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