Chapter Fifteenth

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Jordan sighed and rubbed his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Umm... I was wondering if you umm.. y-you wanted to go to prom with me" He stuttered

"Jordan..." I started

"I'm serious, hanging out with you all week made me realize I love talking to you, I love being around you and-" He explained as he was cut off by the bell

"I gotta go" I said wanting to get out of this situation

"Liz, I'm sorry what I did in the past"

"You mean about a week ago?" I said

"Yes, even before that. Just give me a chance, let me show you I changed. I hated how I treated you. If I could change it I would in a heartbeat-"

"I have to get to class" I interrupted avoiding eye contact.

"At least think about it" He said as I walked past him.


I walked in class and Bee and Will was sitting at our table. I sat down in between them but didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" Will asked in concern

"Is everything alright?" Bee asked

"It's nothing." I replied. After a couple of minutes I seen Jordan walk in, damn it I forgot he was in this class.

"Liz, can we talk?" Jordan asked walking up to our table. I kept my head down pretending I didn't hear him. He sighed and walked to his table with his friends

"Seriously Liz, is everything alright?" Will asked

"Yeah, everything is peachy" I smiled


The bell rang and all the students rushed out. While Bee, Will and I stayed behind.

"Liz, are you okay? You barely said anything" Will asked

"Will, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I said

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded "Okay, I gotta get to class. See you girls later" He said as he walked out. I sighed

"Okay since he's gone, what's wrong?" Bee asked

"Jordan" I simply replied

"What'd he do this time?" She laughed

"He asked me to prom" I said

"Did you tell him you were going with Will?" She asked

"No, I should of. I got nervous and basically ran away" I laughed

"What are you going to do?"

"Avoid him. I don't want to talk to him right now" I complained

"Don't you have class with him right now" She asked

"Fuck, I forgot. We sit beside each other too" I sighed

"Want to skip?"

"Can we?" I asked

"Yeah, we're just watching a movie in my class anyways" She shrugged. We walked out of school and walked to a park close by. We sat in the grass under a big tree.

"What's that?" Bee asked pointing on the tree. I looked and it was a L+W with a heart around it.

"Heart heart with a L and a W" I said

"Stands for Liz and Will" She teased

"Shut up" I laughed "It could stand for Lilly and... Winston" I said making up random names

"How do people even do that? Do they just bring a knife with them?" She giggled

"Now I'm worried my first date with a guy is going to bring a fucking knife with him" I said as Bee and I burst into laughter

"I'm sure Will isn't going to" She teased "Or Jordan" She added in as I cringed

"Stop, that's not even funny" I said then started smiling.

"Alright, anyways, do you like Will?" She asked

"Want a random question" I said "Just kidding, of course I do. How could I not? He's adorable, he's smart, he's sweet and I love how he always ask if I'm okay or not" I explained

"I was just looking for a yes or no just kidding" Bee laughed.

We sat there under the tree longer than we attended. We walked home and said goodbye when we were on our street.

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