Chapter Four

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"I'm disappointed in all of you" The principal started to say

"It's not my fault. Mr. Jeffrey, I got tackled by that asshole for no reason" Jordan said in defense

"That's bullshit. He was bugging Liz and I was just sticking up for a--" Zack explained

"Save it, both of you" Mr. Jeffrey yelled "Like I said, I'm disappointed in ALL of you. Especially in you Ms. Rose"

"Why me? They were the ones fighting-"

"Listen! Starting on Monday, you'll all have a week suspension" He said

"What? One week? But that's not fair! That's fucking stupid" I interrupted

"Ms. Rose language!!" He said loudly

"They were swearing before and you didn't tell them to watch their language!" I said

"Ms. Rose!" Mr. Jeffrey yelled

"Yeah Ms. Rose" Jordan teased

"Shut the fuck up Jordan" I said under my breath

"I'll call each of your parents and explain what happened. Just be glad I'm still letting you to prom. Until Monday, you'll have a normal week. But if I hear that one of you guys got in trouble, you'll won't be welcomed to prom" He explained "Now get back to class" We all got up and exited the room. He gave us a slip to hand in to the teacher explaining why were late.

"Prick" I whispered

"What was that Elizabeth?" Mr. Jeffrey asked

"What? Oh it was nothing" I said turning back around and walking to class

"Liz" Zack said grabbing my arm

"What?" I said

"I know you're probably pissed but I wanted to say I'm sorry" He said

"I am pissed. But I also wanted to say thank you" I said

"What why?" He asked

"You stuck up for me. Who knows what Jordan would've done if you hadn't came" I said hugging him and he hugged back

"So we good?" He asked as we let go

"Yeah we're good" I smiled. We walked our separate ways to our classes. I have geometry now.


First I went to the bathroom hoping I didn't look as bad as I felt. But I did, I had a black eye, my hair was a mess, and a bruise on my cheek. I covered my bruise with make up and brushed my hair. Now I didn't look as bad, but I still look like I was in a fight.


I walked in and everyone was staring at me.

"Why are you late Ms. Rose?" Mrs. Johnson asked. I said nothing and walked over to her and handed her the slip. She nodded and I took my seat which was beside Bee. There was a half an hour left of class.

"Where were you?" Bee whispered

"Principal's office" I replied

"Why?" She asked

"I'll tell you later" I said as she nodded


The bell rang for lunch and everyone exited the class. Bee and I walked down to the lobby because we're going out for lunch.

"Let's wait for the others" Bee suggested.

We waited there for a few moments and Zack and Joe came up to us

"Hey guys. Woah Liz what happened to you" Joe asked

"Jordan and Zack was fighting and I tried to stop it. Instead Jordan started hitting me" I explained

"Why were you and Jordan fighting?" Bee asked Zack

"Jordan was bugging Liz" He replied

"That boy should just fuck off" Joe said

"Hey guys" Mitchell greeted "What happened Liz?"

"Is it that noticeable?" I asked Bee

"Well a little" She said

"I still have to see him in Art and English" I complained

"Who?" Zach asked walking up to us

"Jordan" Joe added in

"He's still bothering you?" Zach asked

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' "Well let's go"

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