Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Y/N)'s POV

     I was almost finished with the roof when it started to rain. Come to think of it, everything here had a damp aura coming from it. Does that even make sense? I feel like I should call it a rainforest. I feel like that is the best name. I was under my un-finished roof drinking coconut milk. My house was finished except for the roof, but even then the house seemed... Blank. I feel like the floors need to be polished, but I was never taught how to polish wood floors. I was never even taught how to build a house. But here I am. I decided if I wasn't going to polish the floors, i'll paint them. There was enough weird plants here that I could make a *(f/c) paint with. With that I scanned the rainforest for any (f/c) plants. One plant was a bright (f/c). It almost looked like it was glowing. I decided I would wait until after the storm to retrieve it.

Levi's POV

In exactly five days we will start the expedition. I was surprisingly getting a little impatent. I was also a little curious. I wasn't before, but Eren wouldn't stop talking about it. How outside the walls had huge lakes full of salt, and places with sand replacing dirt. I started to wonder how Eren knew these things. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Name and business," I ordered.

"Open the door," an unfamiliar, feminine voice said. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. No one was there. I looked down. I saw a huge book on the floor with no title. I picked the book up and started to read it. It was a book about the outside world. I knew I shouldn't be reading this, but I did. It was very vague. I rolled my eyes and put it under my desk.


A/N: It was a short and boring chapter but I had no ideas.

*What I mean by (f/c) I mean the color you would use for the floor. 

I've decided i'm going to update once a day.

Thanks so much for reading! Ttyl!

.•:*\ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ/ *:•.


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