Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Y/N)'s POV

     That's it. I wasn't going to sleep tonight. I was too scared of sleeping. Even if I tried, I couldn't. I decided to just look at the stars. It was too risky to leave my room. I might find Mel on the other side, or even Levi who would wonder why i've been acting so strange. I looked up at the stars. They looked different, like they changed. I guess it was true that they spin.

     After waiting for what felt like forever, I finally left my room to get a cup of tea. Eren was waiting on the other side of the door, also looking deprived of sleep. I just nodded and we got a cup of tea. I saw Mel and Levi talking together. They didn't even see us. I felt envious. I shook it off though, I had too many emotions mixed throughout my head and had no room for jealousy or envy. Eren and I got our cups of tea and left, making sure to add extra sugar to keep me awake. Eren and I had a plan in mind, and the wrong step of our feet could put the whole thing in pieces. We both hid in my room where I showed him the little door and the box. He looked excited and curious like I was.

     We heard someone shout throughout the hallways 'Time to begin training for those who need it!' We then looked at each other.

     "Good Luck." With that he left. I put my ear to the door that connected our rooms and listened carefully, making sure not to accidentally open the door.

     "But Leeeeeviiiii!" Eren was starting to sound like Hanji.

     "Fine," He gave in. The plan was going perfectly. There was only one problem. He took the screwdriver with him. I found this out looking all over his desk, even where I saw it before. I then had an idea. I went into my room and looked through the little door. It had more space than I expected, so it might've fit more in it. I re-opened the door, and there, was a tiny screwdriver. 'Yes!' I ran into his room and counted to the fourth plank of wood. I lifted it up to see a key. I was so excited. Unfortunately, my excitement would have to end. I heard the door handle. I was frozen. There, was Levi. I put the key and my screwdriver behind my back. He walked over to me. I've never seen him so surprised in his life.

     "H-How did you know?!" He asked, obviously shocked. I sighed. I looked up to see Eren standing the door frame with an apologetic look. I looked back at Levi.

      "I've been having these dreams..." I started. "And what happens in them always happens in real life... For example that one guy that started a fight with me for no reason. In my most recent dream, I wasn't controlling my body and there was a box that I found in my closet locked up, and that key is the one to the box." I explained. Levi looked at me, then at the key in my hand.

      "Show me the box." He demanded. I nodded and he followed me into my room. I showed him the box hidden under my bed. He looked at it then fell over on the floor. It looked like he was about to cry, but I knew he would never.

     "What do you know about this box?" I asked. He looked up at me.

     "Don't. Open. That. Box." 


A/N: I feel like this story has no x Reader in it whatsoever.

I'll try to change that...



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