Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Narrator's POV

     After (y/n) told the story to the boys, she was surprised to hear Levi say 'I knew it!'

     "I thought there was something off that year. There were a few people that kept everything a secret." (Y/N) sighed in relief, then went outside to look at the setting sun.

     "Eren, Levi, come here," She motioned for them to come look at the setting sun. All three of them stared in awe. (Y/N) smiled as she skipped happily in the rainforest. The two fallowed. She stopped in front of a medium sized tree with nuts that almost looked like coconuts on it.

     "Who can climb?" (Y/N) asked the boys. Levi pushed Eren forward.

     "Levi it is!" She beamed. He just gave her this glare. He just took out one of his long swords and chopped the coconut looking things off the tree. (Y/N) caught all of them with the help of Eren.

     "Thanks! She exclaimed walking in the house.

     "She seems very happy despite her backstory," Levi said looking at Eren.

     "Pfft, Unlike Someone," Eren smiled nudging Levi. Eren knew he could mess with Levi because they were already in a bad enough situation as it was, if something worse happened, they would be dead.

     "Shut up," was all Levi said in response, walking in the house.

Levi's POV

     I stopped dead in my tracks to see (y/n) wearing a pastel pink apron cooking something in a huge pot, and a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. I don't know what she was making, but from my experiences with (y/n), it was going to taste amazing. I walk behind her and look over her shoulder to see a brown liquid in the pot. I may have been short, but (y/n) is shorter.

     "What's that?" I asked, still hovering over her.

     "Eep!" (Y/N) jumped, you could see she was startled.

     "It's chocolate! I'm trying to perfect the recipe." she answered, licking some off the wooden spoon she was mixing it with. She smiled at the result. She poured the 'Chocolate' in a mold and carried it to the pond in the middle of the house and put the chocolate in so it didn't get wet, but so the water still cooled it down. We walked out of the pond room to see Eren adorably sleeping on the couch.


     (Y/N) and I then decided to sleep for ourselves. (Y/N) disappeared in her room, and I carefully moved Eren to the floor, careful not to wake him up.


A/N: We got some Ereri action going!

Thanks so much for everything! It means a lot!

This chapter is dedicated to my first reader, andiDAcrazyNeko ;3



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