Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

(Y/N)'s POV

"Don't. Open. That. Box."

"W-why?" I asked, almost scared about how serious his face looked. He was usually serious, but never this serious. He sighed.

"When I was little, I was abused. When my parents were away doing things I still don't know to this day- I don't want to know- I would sneak in their room and look around for clues- why they were doing this." He started.

"When I was about ten, I found a hidden box in their closet next to other boxes full of... Other things... I opened it and found that key. The box said in bold- Do not open and I stupidly hid the key under my matress. My parents found out it was missing... And bad things happened to me." I could tell he didn't want to get into detail.

I looked at him, then the box, then the key.

"It won't kill anyone right?" I asked.

"I really don't know (y/n). I've never opened the box. I didn't even know what that key was for until today." He replied.

"Fine. Open it," He gave in.

I put the key in the box. It didn't open, but something came out of the back. It was a piece of paper.

'The box will only open to one who dreams of it' This confused me. I already dreamt of opening the box. Maybe I had to sleep again? I ran to my bed and face planted on it. I was already tired from not sleeping at all that night.

I was determined. Piece by piece. Building. What was I building? The box was beside me, open. I was focused. The doors to my room were locked. Levi and Eren couldn't see it anyway. It was one of the many rules this box had. I wanted to wake up. Why was I here. I wanted answers. I stood up. I started to walk to the door. Locked. I went to the door to Levi's room. It opened. Levi was there. In the blackness that I knew so well, he was there. Then, I fell.

I woke up to see Eren and Levi.

I'm not alone in this world. But i'm still afraid.


A/N: I feel like my story doesn't make sense... That or the ideas are all scrambled and some stale.


Heads up i'll be making more stories in the future so make sure to follow me!

The next one will be an Eren x Reader.

(If I get finished with this one)

Have a nice day!



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