Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(Y/N)'s POV

     "Can I go with you?" I questioned Levi.

     "I was hoping you'd ask. Yes. I'm a corporal so I can guarantee you getting in. If they do reject you, I can tell them that you're my friend. That's not going to happen though knowing Hanji..." He drifted off. He had a weird look on his face. I smiled at him calling me a friend.

     "There's only one problem. They have to test you to see if you're good enough, if not, you have to go to training." I laughed at this, considering that i'm as good as Levi if not better.

     "When do we leave?" Eren joined the conversation. I almost forgot he was in the room he was so silent. After that I just rolled my eyes and went to my room to take off my gear. I told the boys to go to bed and that we had a long day tomorrow. I was excited to go with them, but at the same time, I was scared and worried. What would happen to my new house I built? What if the people that attempted to kidnap my parents appear? What were they doing with my parents in the first place? I grew tired of thinking and fell into a deep sleep.

     I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I woke the boys up as soon as possible because I didn't know how long the trip would be. When they woke up, our breakfast was the chocolate i made earlier. I felt like today was a big enough day to eat it. They were both obsessed with it. They wouldn't stop eating it. I only had one piece because I felt like being nice to them their first time with chocolate. It was quite funny watching the two fight over food. After that I took the four horses the boys brought with them and untied them from the tree. I've been making sure to feed them correctly. I've never seen a horse other than the time my parents died. I was saddened at the thought, but I knew that the past was in the past and there was nothing I could do. The trip was long, but I made it a little entertaining by pointing out certain places to the boys that I remembered as a kid. I even pointed out the spot I heard the titans talking. They surprisingly believed me though, and that made me happy. It took until sunset, but the walls were in sight. I saw a man up on the wall. He almost looked surprised and happy to see Levi and Eren. The man rang a huge bell and as we got closer and closer, I could hear more and more people talking about how 'They were finally back,' and 'They were alive.' A few minutes after reaching the huge gate, It opened.


A/N: Sorry for the wait on this chapter, I was taking a short break.

I don't really have an updating schedule anymore, but you can assume every day to every three days. School is starting, which i'm not too happy about, but I think I can ajust.

Thanks so much for reading!

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