Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

(Y/N)'s POV

     "Well?!" Eren asked, obviously dying of curiosity. I could tell Levi was also curious. I went up to the box and tried to open it again.

     Only one is worthy. A piece of paper came out.

     This made me laugh.

     "Ha! You're not worthy!" I was laughing so hard. Then I got punched by Levi. I was expecting that.

     "I'm sure both of you will find out later." I told them.

     "But I want to know now!" Eren whined. I ruffled his hair and smiled. Levi was giving both of us a 'Back off' look. I looked at him.

     "Does someone need a hug?" I asked him.

     "Tch. Fuck off." He said. I hugged him anyway. He put his chin on my head before leaving. Eren followed. I then opened the box.

     "WHAAAT!!??" I yelled, partially to make them more curious, partially because I was surprised. All there were were papers and random pieces of metal. I read one of the papers.

     How to build:

     It then had instructions in small font

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     It then had instructions in small font. What I was surprised by is what I was building. It had a picture, but I still didn't know what it was. It looked like a... Gun? It also looked like it attached to your arm... Or something. So I start. The instructions were complicated, but understandable. I could hear Levi and Eren in the other room guessing what was in the box. Well, mostly Eren guessing and Levi saying 'It can't be that. Or that.' etc. I smiled to myself and kept building. I had a song I made up stuck in my head. I started humming the tune while working. I looked outside. My balcony was open. The sun was setting. I still remember the time when we were at my old house, and we saw the sun set together. I started singing the song that was in my head. I don't usually sing when people can hear me, but I missed being alone. My mother used to sing to me when I was little. I smiled at the thought. I focused on the contraption.

     *Time skip*

     I couldn't see anything. I tried to talk. No words. I tried to move. Tied up. I felt something on my arm. It started to cut into my skin. I screamed. My mouth was tied up.

     "Even if you try to scream, no one will hear you." I knew that voice... Mel?

     "Heh, you can't stop me now." A deeper voice said. I also knew that voice, it was the guy that tried to beat me. The pain was increasing on my arm. I felt the blade all around my arm, peeling off my skin. I felt no blood. Why?

     "Hayden, why is there no blood?!" Mel asked. So that was his name.

     "I'm avoiding the veins so there is more pain and no evidence." He replied. He was completely right. It did hurt more. Then the thought came to me. If this was another dream, then how would I wake up? I couldn't move. Everything was black; I was blindfolded. I felt tears form in my eyes. I felt my skin and muscle peeling away.

     "I'm getting bored. I'm going to take the cloth off her mouth, okay?" Mel said.

     "K" Hayden replied. I felt her take off the cloth. I asked the most logical question first.

     "Why are you doing this!?"

     "I know Hayden has his personal reasons, but me- I want you to back off Levi," She told me.

     "I'm doing this because i'm in the gang that wants you dead. My friends died trying to get you parents!" He yelled. I was about to ask why me out of all people, but he cut me off.

     "Done" Someone took off my blindfold. I looked down. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and looked down. I had no arm. I just had vein and bone. They rolled the bed I was on into another room. Blackness.

     I woke up sweating. Something was wrong. I looked down. I had no arm. I screamed. Just vein and bone. I looked over at my work in progress. It was finished. I walked over. I saw a note.

     Thank you for making my son happy. I have also been abused, by Levi's father. I have helped you in return of you helping him.

     I didn't know how the arm attached to me. At the same time, my door broke down. It was Levi and Eren.

     "(Y/N)!!" Eren screamed looking at my arm. I tried to not make eye contact. I panicked and shoved my arm in the robotic one. I felt my Veins all fitting perfectly in. I cringed at how perfect it was. I moved my fingers. It felt like an improvement. I could feel everything, and had more than five weapons on this arm. I looked at the boys, shocked.

     "Heh..." I felt so awkward.

     "MEL, YOU'RE DEAD!" I shouted.


A/N: Well, this was eventful.

I loved writing this.

Also, the drawing is what the arm looks like.

It's really bad, but you get the point.

I took the picture with my computer, so that's part of it.

Thx for reading & Have a great day!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)


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