Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Eren's POV

     I've grown to be a little jealous of (y/n) and Levi. They were both corporal now. I was also a little worried for (y/n). I saw a girl walk up to her during breakfast, and she didn't look happy. Her name was Mel? Yea that was it. Mel had a small talk with (y/n) before she left in a crowd of boys. I couldn't read (y/n)'s face afterward. It was a mix of fear and curiosity. I ran up to her and asked her what happened.

     "Eren, I need to tell you something." She then dragged me to her room. She made sure no one could hear us.

     "I've been having this dream." She started. I was a little disappointed she didn't confess to me- Wait what? Do I really like her? I do think she is cute, but I also think Levi is. That's even worse! Am I gay? I decided to think about this another time.

     "And it's about a girl with brown/orange hair. I don't know her name..." She continued. I answered her question with naming the girl, and obviously her name is Mel.

     "In my dream, she said that I should stay away from Levi or he won't have to hurt me. The thing that was shocking is... It happened in real life too." She was stuttering, which was very unlikely, especially coming from (y/n). I was shocked. Mel always had a sweet aura coming from her. I could never imagine her being mean to anyone.

     "What scares me the most is that in one of my dreams I was being beat up by a guy with a scary appearance. He had straight brown messy hair." She explained. I was a little worried for her, but even then I could tell she was hiding something. I was not overly worried because I knew she was warned before time in her dreams. I told her to take a nap and tell me if she has the same dream again. And so I left her to sleep.

(Y/N)'s POV

     I woke up from my sleep. I was in my room. I wasn't controlling my body though. I went in my closet. There, I saw a tiny door. I got on my hands and knees to open the little door. The system to open it was complicated, I had to unhook certain things and de-code certain things. That made me more curious. I finally got it open to see a little box that looked like a very old music box from the outside. It had a key hole so I couldn't open it. I then put the box in my desk and went into Levi's room. He wasn't there. I still, wasn't controlling my actions. I went in his desk and grabbed a screwdriver conveniently placed there. I went in his closet. There was no mini door. I counted the floorboards until I got to the fourth one and unscrewed it. A key was underneath. I was about to open the door to my room when the blackness yet again appeared and I woke up.

     'Huh' I thought. I tried to put that on the back of my mind. I didn't know if that dream was real, and I didn't want to know. I went to the mess hall to get some tea before I went to train. There, I saw the girl. Levi's arms were wrapped around her waist. It was for training purposes, like in my dream. She looked at me with those same satisfied eyes I saw before.

'This can't be real'


A/N: FYI the box is very important. I have to say that for the purposes of a cliffhanger.

I have to brainstorm more...

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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