Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


     I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, but there was someone that stopped me. The guy from the dream. He threw a punch at me, but I knew where it would land. I dodged all of his hits and hit him in his weak points. He was on the floor now, but got up and chased me outside. Like I did in the dream, I knocked him out. Levi was by my side in a matter of seconds, and Mel was giving me bad looks. I went back inside after calming Levi down. I sat down on my bed.

     'But, I am a little curious to see if the box really is there...' I thought. I stood up and went into my closet. I saw a pile of cloths covering the spot where the little door would've been. I removed the pile of cloths from the closet, them landing on my floor scattering everywhere. My curiosity took hold of me. I looked down. There, was the door. I immediately start to undo the locks and solving the puzzles in order to open the little door. I finally opened it, and there it was. The box. It was unfortunately locked. I knew the key was under Levi's floor in his closet, the only problem was getting passed him. I opened the door that connected mine to his and saw him at his desk doing paperwork. It was so awkward.

"What do you want (y/n)?" he asked.

"Uhhh... Nothing," I said quickly before closing the door and locking it. I could tell he was trying to open it. I put the box under my desk and went to find Eren. When I found him, he was outside. I saw Mel. Flirting with him?

"Eren!" I ran up to him. Mel looked at me sweetly. Something was wrong.

"Hey (y/n)!" He replied.

"Hai!" Mel smiled at me.

"Eren, I need to talk to you when you're done talking to..." I pretended I didn't know Mel's name. We've never introduced each other so I thought now would be the right time.

"I'm Mel. Nice to meet you!" She put her hand in front of me motioning for me to shake it.

"I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you too!" I was being nice to her even though I knew he had plans to kill me. We shook hands. The only problem is she shook my hand as hard as she could. It felt like she broke a few bones. I still smiled. I told Eren to meet me in my room after he was done talking to Mel.

*Time skip*

I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Eren. I, again, made sure no one could hear us. I told him about the box and the key.

"Let's make a plan. I tell Levi to... Help me with training, then you can get the key while distracting him. I've been in his office a few times, and surprisingly I remember that he has a screwdriver on his desk." He told me.

"Okay. We'll start tomorrow after breakfast." I agreed.


A/N: Welcome back to the fanfic!

I successfully edited out all of my screw-ups.

I also have the rest of the story planned out. It's probably going to end in the twenty's to the thirty's chapter-wise.



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