Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Y/N)'s POV

     Everyone inside the walls gave you weird looks. Some of curiosity, some might be of envy or jealousy. We rode our horses inside the walls until we came across a large stone building. It was a castle. On the inside, I was super excited, but on the outside I kept an emotionless face. I didn't know which emotion to show, so I kept it to myself. We were almost immediately greeted by a girl with glasses and a high ponytail that was holding her brown hair.

     "LEVI!!!" She screeched. I looked to see Levi's reaction, which was just rolling his eyes.

     "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" She continued at the top of her voice. She then looked at me in confusion. I predicted that part.

     "Who is she?" She asked Levi quietly, but she wasn't very good at whispering. I got off my horse and shook her hand.

     "My name is (y/n)," I replied. She smiled and gladly took my hand.

     "My name is Hanji! Nice to meet you!" I nodded. She seemed friendly. After that, Levi got off his horse to go talk to Hanji, probably about me and how I saved them and got them here. We knew they would be talking for a while, so Eren decided to take me on a tour. He knew I would pass the test, so why not tour me now? We ran into Eren's friends on the way, But what eren wished he hadn't done was asked why they were here.

     "The old special operations squad was killed on your latest expedition." a girl with raven black hair and a bored expression on her face told him. She reminded me of Levi the slightest bit. I felt sorry for Eren, and especially Levi, but I knew that they were strong and would overcome these things.

     After the tour, we went back outside to be greeted by Hanji, again.

     "The tour went well?" Hanji asked. I smiled and nodded for myself, but unfortunately Eren didn't have as great of a time as I did. I didn't know the old Special Operations Squad, but Eren did and he was sad. I think Hanji assumed what was going on and decided to ask a new question.

     "I'd like you to meet someone, then we can see how good you are, and hopefully we won't have to send you off to training." I nodded in response. She grabbed my hand as we walked off to meet this person.

     "His name is Erwin. He's the boss so I recommend you salute him." She opened the door and a blonde guy with caterpillar eyebrows was sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

     "What is it Hanji?" he asked, looking obviously busy. He was giving me a curious look.

     "I'd like you to meet (y/n)," I saluted him like she told me.

     "She's going to join the survey corps, hopefully today, but we have to see how good she is." Hanji explained. Erwin sighed, but got up anyway to watch me. We got outside, I strapped in my 3DMG and waited for her go. I noticed everyone I met that day was watching. There was a crowd. I smiled like an idiot, because I knew this was my chance to show off.


A/N: Cliffhanger!

All I can tell you is reader~chan is badass in the next chapter.

Also thanks so much for 100 reads! It might not be a lot to you but it is to me!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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