Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up with the sun bright in my eyes. I walked in the living room to see Levi had pushed Eren off the couch for himself. I gave a quiet laugh.

"Time to wake up," I said quietly so they wouldn't have a rough start to the day. The only response I got was a groan from Eren.

"Why?" Levi asked, obviously still tired.

"W-well I was thinking today we could go out and fight titans together! I've never done it with anyone before." I answered shyly. Levi looked up from his pillow in shock.

"Ok." Levi sounded the slightest bit happy. He kicked Eren in the shin hard enough to wake him up, but not too hard that he left a bruise. I smiled and went to my room to change. I helped the boys fill their gas tanks before we left. Once we left the protection of the waterfall, a 20 meter titan came sprinting toward us. 'Let's see how this plays out' I thought, wondering how humanity's strongest fought. Both of them dodged it. 'Wimps.' You knew that they were trained to dodge any titans, but they weren't being ordered around by anyone this time but me. I laughed to myself as I did a flip over the titan and sliced it's neck in one swift motion. I then landed on the titan and bowed stupidly. I looked up at the shocked boys. I used my gear to get up to the branch Eren was standing on.

"Don't tell Levi I said this, but I think you're better than him," Eren whispered. Be both blushed a bit before going off to kill more titans. About an hour passed, and there weren't many titans left. I decided to steal kills from Levi to see how he would react. When he went to slice another nape, I would swoop in and beat him to it.

"Gotta be faster!" I would shout at Levi. He just rolled his eyes. I would never bother to steal Eren's kills, because he only killed nine in all. We finally started to head back to the house. When we got inside, Levi stopped me.

"(Y/N), I have to talk to you"

"What is it Levi?" I asked, scared it would be something bad

"Everyone in the survey corps is probably worried sick about Eren and I- In fact they probably think we're dead." He started, tears forming in my eyes.

"Eren and I have to go back to the walls." He finished. I had mixed emotions at this, I was mad and sad that they have to leave, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go with them. Or could I?


A/N: Was that a good cliffhanger? I could probably do better.

Also when I was on vacation I saw a japanese kid wearing a Aot shirt.

I saluted him.



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