Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Narrator's POV

"All you have to do is slice the back of the 'titans' necks. Ready... Set... Go!" You rolled your eyes and took off. You did a few flips before slicing one titan and pushing off with you feet to another. You sliced five of them in one swift motion. You heard a 'Woa' from the crowd which you laughed at. At this point, you were going faster than Levi could ever go. With another titan in sight, you flipped around a branch of a tree, jumping off another. You didn't use your 3DMG until after you sliced the nape, and that's when the crowd panicked. You used it at the last second, and went up to slice more. When the time limit was over, you 'killed' twenty titans. You did a backflip and bowed cutely like you just got finished with a dance recital, crossing your legs.

"THERE'S NO QUESTION, YOU'RE IN!" Hanji screamed, shaking me around. I gently pushed her off me and smiled. I then walked up to Levi with a good idea.

"Beat that, 'Humanity's Strongest'," your voice thick with sarcasm. You then walked away like a badass. You heard an 'Ohhhhh' coming from Eren. You laughed. Then you heard Eren being beaten up by Levi before walking inside.

*Time Skip*

Eren's POV

It was around dinner and my whole body ached from Levi nearly killing me. I walked in the mess hall where I saw (y/n) with a weird look on her face and a piece of bread in front of her.

"What's wrong with you?" I smirked as I asked her. She pushed her bread in my direction. I picked it up and took a bite out of it. I nearly threw up at how bad it was. I guess I was just so used to (y/n)'s good cooking that I forgot how bad this food was. Even then I knew it wasn't that bad. I sat down across from her. We now both had the same expression on our faces. A few minutes after sitting there, Erwin walked in. I stood up and saluted him, while (y/n) just sat there.

"Erwin, who makes this food?" (Y/N) asked unhesitant.

"It used to be Petra but..." Erwin trailed off and looked away awkwardly. 'That's why i thought it tasted different'

"Oh... Sorry. Who makes it now if you don't mind me asking?" She re-asked the question.

"That would be Jean" he replied sitting down looking at paperwork while drinking tea. I burst out laughing. Of course it was horseface! Who else would it be! He's obviously the worst cook!

"Let's go talk to him," I said, then pulled (y/n) out of the room by her wrist. When we got into the kitchen, we saw the one and only Jean, trying to cook. The kitchen was absolute chaos. Exactly as I expected. Jean looked up from his bad cooking.

"How bad are you at cooking?" I asked horseface with a huge smirk on my face. You could tell he was mad. He then started an argument. Unfortunately, I also expected this. (Y/N) was just awkwardly standing in the corner watching us argue. At this point, Jean was so mad he could start a fight. At the second I had this thought, he threw a fist at me. I had absolutely no reflexes, so I was going to have a black eye. To my surprise, I didn't get hit. I looked up. I saw a hand wrapped around Jean's wrist. It was (y/n). She caught it inches away from me. Jean looked at her with wonder. I saw him watching her using her 3dmg when she was being tested. He started blushing like an idiot. She let go of his wrist. His face was now as red as a tomato. Looks like someone has a crush! I'll use this to my advantage. We both then noticed his eyes were places they shouldn't be. She kicked him in the shin, then started teaching him how to make bread. Idiot.


A/N: I attempted action with Eren... It was mostly action with Jean though...

Also, Reader~Chan is so Badass!

(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


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