Chapter 6

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Rosalind's POV

It was about four PM and I was home alone again, dancing around my room and humming along to Katy Perry on TV.

"You held me down but I got up, already brushing of the dust," I yelled into my hairbrush. I had two singing voices; my 'good' voice and my 'I'm making fun of myself' voice. I was currently using the latter.

Katy carried on singing while I rifled through my schoolbag trying to find my homework. I couldn't resist singing the chorous though. "I've got the eye of the tiger, fire, dancing through the fire," I stopped to take a good breath waiting for my favourite line. "You're gonna hear me roar!" I practically screeched it, and I was pretty sure the whole neighbourhood heard.

I yanked various homework sheets out of my bag and dumped them on the bed. I changed into a tight fitting long sleeved superdry top and some grey trackies, also superdry. I pulled my hair up into a loose but high ponytail and slipped on my glasses. 

Okay, maths first.

I glanced over the sheet and realised it was all algebra. I was pretty good at maths, but I could not - no matter how much I tried - do algebra. 

I needed a lot of help with this. Groaning, I got off my bum and grabbed my laptop. I opened up twitter and glanced at my followers. I had 3 more than when I last checked a few days ago, meaning I had 584 in total. Not bad since I was not one of the populars. 

I began to compose a tweet.

Ugh, does anyone know how to do algebra? I have a ton of homework for tomorrow. Let me know if you can help. I hate algebra #boringg

That sounded okay, so I tweeted it and went to make myself a cup of hot chocolate while I waited for a response.

I heated the milk and chocolate powder in the microwave while I searched for the mini marshmallows that I had stored somewhere in the cupboard. I eventually found them and stuffed a handful in my mouth before emptying the rest of the packet into my hot chocolate.

If only the stick thin populars could see me now. They'd be horrified that I was eating things that contained fat and sugar and they'd be gagging at my steamy cup of hot chocolate made with full fat milk. I took a sip of my blissfully sweet drink and left the chocolate moustache to sit on my upper lip while I checked my twitter again.

I had four replies, three out of four saying i should just leave it and tell my teacher to shove his homework up his ass. The other one just said "I'll help, check your inbox." I cicked on the little mail button and a new message popped up. It was just a phone number. I decided to call it, and see who this person was.





I immediately recognised the voice.

Marcel's POV

Nobody knew I had twitter. I didn't have my real name on there and I didnt post anything about school, or post any photos of me either.

I didn't follow many people. Only my favourite celebrities. 

I was scrolling through my profile when I realised I should look up Rosalind. She didn't hate me, and I didn't hate her, so maybe I should.

A little tiny immature piece of my brain tried to make me look through her pictures and see if there were any of her looking hot, but I pushed it back. That would have been rude and disrespecful to her. I did not judge on looks.

I typed her full name into the search box and nothing came up. I tried just Ros instead, as she went by that name at school. I didn't call her that as I didn't think she would like me using her nickname. That was for her friends. Her real friends. 

I found her instantly and clicked the follow button, just as she posted that she was having difficulty with algebra.

Should I help? 

I decided that she probably wouldn't get help off anyone else, so I took a chance and inboxed her my phone number.

Only after I clicked send did I realise that I had basically just exchanged phone numbers with a girl, because I would get hers when - if - she called me.

I wondered what she was doing. Did she know it was me? Would she even call? What would I say if she did?

Before I got into full freakout mode, my phone started to vibrate on the table and the familiar ringtone started playing. I almost decided not to answer. I scanned her number and realised that her phone number ended in 1294. My birthday. 1st of february 1994. I pressed the accept button.


I could hear the plain shock in her voice as she recognised mine. "Marcel?"

"H-hi," I mumbled.

I was expecting her to rant at me for giving her my number and making her call, but she surprised me with what she said. "Will you come to my house and help me with my homework? I'm really stuck."

She never failed to surprise me.

"Y-yes," I squeaked, nervous.

"Don't be scared, I don't bite."

"Okay," I had no idea why I was nervous. I'm always nervous, but not like this. She makes me nervous in a different way. A more embarrassing kind of nervous.

"You remember where I live, right?"

"Yeah, I remember." I tried to calm down a bit by taking deep breaths.

"Good, see you soon?" How was she so calm talking on the phone? How could she think of what to say so easily? She wasn't half as awkward or embarrassing as me.

"Erm, okay." I agreed.

"Bye Marcel." 

"Bye Rosalind."

I thought she would hang up, but she said one more thing. "Call me Ros." The phone clicked off.

I quickly saved her number under Rosalind. She may have said to call her Ros, but I doubted she really meant it. If her school friends found out, they'd probably be horrified. I was sticking to Rosalind.


Sorry for the late update

I would have updated sooner, but I've been in Tenerife

I seriously recommend going to the Hotel Fañabe Costa Sur, Its amazing.

Remember guys, I love you all

Every one of you.

like, MWAH! big kisses.


it means a lot.

Like seriously, it does. 

Is this chapter longer? I think so

Katie xx

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