Chapter 25

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Rosalind's POV

Two weeks.

It had been two weeks since I last saw Marcel.

We never spoke about that night when we told each other how we felt and it made me kind of nervous.

I had taken Marcel to the hospital the next morning but they said they couldn't do anything about a broken rib and sent him away with bandages on his wounds and a box of cocodamol to help with the pain and make him sleep.

I would be lying if I said i wasn't worried.

He meant so much to me, but he hadn't been at school at all since the accident and he wouldn't return my calls. I went to his house twice but nobody answered and I suddenly found myself feeling extraordinarily lonely.

I was physically aching to see him.

After all, I had made such a monumental fuck up that night and I still didn't feel like I had explained myself properly.

I was overcome with guilt, sadness and loneliness.

Once Marcel had missed a week of school, I started coming down with the flu and was bed ridden myself. I was so sick, and being stuck in the house on my own only made me want to see Marcel more.

Ally and Maya would each give me a phonecall a day - or sometimes one between them - and I would always ask if Marcel was back at school yet, but the answer was always no.

I wasn't really in the mood to talk much though and would always hang up pretty quickly.

By the end of my second week without seeing Marcel, they had both stopped calling completely.

And that's where I was now.

It was a Sunday morning - sixteen days after the party - and I was laid in bed feeling partiularly low.

I peered over at the clock beside me to see that it was twenty past eleven.

My entire body felt rotten.

I decided that I had lazed around for far too long and dragged myself out of bed, pulling one of the blankets with me. Leaving it in a mound on the floor I hobbled to the bathroom and switched on the shower.

Maybe that was what I needed right now; a nice hot shower to wash away my ills.

I stood for a good fifteen minutes under the hot water, relaxing all my muscles which had stiffened from being laid flat for so long.

Eventually, after washing myself down, I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before padding back across to my bedroom.

I pushed open my door and leaned in to flick my heater on, getting a very big surprise at what I saw.

Sat on my bed was Marcel, grinning from ear to ear, with his hands wrapped tightly around a two litre bottle of coke and a pizza box. On top of the box were a stack of DVDs, among which I noticed a few of my favourites.

"Marcel!" I gasped, one of my hands flying up to my face in shock.

"Hi," He replied, his smile not moving from his face.

"How did you get in here?!" I asked, unable to contain my sudden rush of excitement.

"Your mum let me in. I'm here to apologise." He sighed, looking down. "I know I haven't been returning your calls and I haven't been at school but I was just really scared to face you."

"Why?" I asked, clutching my towel tightly and perching on the end of my bed.

"We had a very rough night the last time that I saw you and I'm not good with heart to heart conversations... or feelings in general really." He admitted. "I didn't want to fuck up."

"Marcel Styles! What has gotten into you lately?" I burst out laughing but he only looked confused. "You need to stop swearing," I giggled. "It's weird."

He smiled at me again. "We're okay then, us?"

"We are absolutely fine." I smiled.

There was a short pause between us.

"So what's with the pizza? It's morning." I asked.

"Well, I heard you were sick, and I thought you might like a little pizza surprise." He announced.

"Well, I love it." I replied.

I then suddenly realised that all that was between Marcel and my naked body was a towel, and I began to feel strangely self conscious.

"Just, uh, just let me grab some clothes, get changed and I'll be right back.."


I grabbed underwear, leggings and a sweater and disappeared into to bathroom to change, brush my teeth and hang up my towel to dry.

When I arrived back in my room Marcel gave me the same grin he'd worn all morning and invited me to sit with him, which I did.

I winced at my tense muscles as I sat down.

"Come here," Marcel opened him arms and I willingly cuddled up to him, shivering a little as the flu made my temperature go crazy.

Shit. I had the fucking flu.

I quickly scrambled away from Marcel and ran over to my chest of drawers, fumbling around inside them until I found my hand sanitiser. I turned around and launched it across the room at Marcel.

"What are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he reached for the small bottle (he didn't catch it when I threw it - he was very clumsy) and turned it around in his hands.

"Marcel, I have the flu; a nasty case of it too. Just please, use that and get rid of the germs."

"Don't be silly," He chuckled, tossing the bottle back to me.


"I don't care if I get sick. I came here to spend time with you and look after you while your mum's at work. Just come back over here, please." He reasoned.

Reluctantly, I walked back over to him and sat beside him, making sure I kept some space between us though.

He tried to put an arm around me, but I leaned away and pushed his arm back down with my hand wrapped in the sleeve if my sweater.

"Rosalind," He complained, reaching out again and ignoring my attempts to push him away.

He pulled me close to him and despite my worrying it felt great.

Mostly because he felt very warm and I was bloody freezing.

"Are you fixed now?" I asked quietly, still cautious around his chest. "Your ribs, I mean."

"It could take up to 6 weeks to heal fully, so I'm still sore, but the bruising is fading and the pain medication works great."

"Just tell me if it hurts." I sighed, relaxing into him.

"I will."

He placed the pizza box in my lap and flipped the lid, taking a slice.

I took one too and bit a huge chunk out of it, instantly regretting it as I started to feel nauseous.

"You know what, I think I'll pass on the pizza..." I grumbled, relcuctalny returning the pizza to its box and sighing, annoyed that I couldn't face it.

"You okay?" Marcel asked, shifting to look at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "I just feel a bit sick, that's all."

"Oh... You don't think you'll actually be sick, do you?"

I just chuckled. "No, I'll be fine."

"Good. Now how about those movies?"

"That sounds great." I smiled, grabbing a few blankets and sifting through the pile of movies.

Although I was glad to be watching movies, all I could think about was Marcel and the close proximity between us.

Maybe this day would turn out okay after all.



I hope you liked this :)

Remember I love you all xx

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