Chapter 11

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Rosalind's POV

"Ally, pick up already!" I hissed into the phone as it rang endlessly into my ear.

It rang.

And rang.

And kept ringing until I was ready to jam pens in my ears and slam my face into the table.

"Ever heard of voicemail?" I sighed as I flopped onto my sofa and flung the phone away.

The second I sat down and relaxed and my phone landed with an alarming thud on the floor, the damn thing lit up and Ally's name spread across the screen in big white letters.

I dragged my lazy ass over to the floor and lay down beside my phone.

Waiting until the last second to annoy her, I grabbed my phone and pressed it to my ear.


"You called?" She asked brightly.

I replied playfully but annoyance was plain in my voice. "I did not simply call, I pressed the green button for a chat and was at the stage of bloody decomposing before I eventually gave up!"

"Don't be silly," she laughed. "I was outside with Macey."

Ah yes, Macey the monster.

I loved dogs, don't get me wrong, but this one hated me.

As soon as I was in sight she would immediately bare her teeth ready for a fight. She would always take every possible opportunity to bite me, tear my clothes and pee on me.

Worst of all, I always lost these fights. I was a full grown, strong teenager, whereas Macey was barely larger than my shoe.

"Ros?" I was brought back from my nightmares by Ally's voice in my ear.


"I asked what you're wearing to the party tomorrow."

"I don't know, probably a skirt or something."

"I was thinking of shorts, I know it's cold but I think they're so cute."

"I know, I'm going to go, I have homework. I could have spoken longer if you'd pick up the phone instead of doting over your demon dog."

"She only hates you Ros," Ally reminded me.

"I don't care. She's evil."

"Goodbye Ros,"

I hung up on her.

For some reason, as I gathered my homework, I wished Marcel were here to help me with it.

I contemplated calling him over.

He was probably busy.

He didn't want or need to constantly be helping me.

It's not much fun.

Marcel's POV

I was bored out of my mind.

My homework was complete, my face hurt and I was lonely.

I wondered if I should call Rosalind.

I liked her company very much but I wasn't sure if she felt the same.

Sighing, I decided against it. She was probably with Ally and Maya, laughing and smiling.

I loved her smile. I loved the way her eyes crinkled at the sides and her lips pulled together in a soft pink arch.

I imagined her smiling against my chest when we hugged, like I smiled into the top of her head.

She probably didn't, but I was happy to pretend she did.

That night I sat in bed with my laptop on my knee and searched through twitter aimlessly.

The clock ticked by slowly and I almost drifted off as I scrolled and scrolled further down the page.

To be honest, I was bored, but as I was about to shut down my laptop I saw a tweet from Rosalind in my feed. It read 'I hate not knowing whether to call someone, whether I'm just getting in the way or not.'

I got that feeling a lot too, but not just about phone calls.

I wondered if I should reply. I loved getting phone calls, but perhaps that was because I didn't get many. I was pretty sure everyone must like getting phone calls. They were fun and sociable, and a brilliant way too keep the mind occupied.

I decided to reply. 'Don't be afraid to call people,' I wrote. 'Everyone loves phone calls.'

I hit enter and closed my laptop before pulling up my duvet and drifting off to sleep.

I would like to say I had wonderful dreams of world peace and queen Rosalind the first but I had no such luck.

As soon as my eyes fell shut I was plunged into a dreamless pool of blackness until the sun pierced through my darkness the next morning.

Party day.

Oh crap.


Yes, this was short.

I know I know

In my defence, I have been very ill all week. I started out with a stomach virus but now I have tonsillitis, but I'm on antibiotics and I feel fine. I'm still contagious with both though so I can't go anywhere and I've gone insane.

I'm imprisoned in my own house.

And worst of all, I missed prom because of it.

Yes, prom.

I bloody missed it.

Also, we haven't managed to get a Christmas tree until today so I've been busy decorating that.

And I tinselified the rest of the house and put a parachuting Santa on the ceiling in the hallway.

Anyway, thanks for reading:)

Love u lots:)

Katie xx

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