Chapter 23

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Okay, here's the thing guys. Im really tired right now and I've had such a rough week this week. Recently someone special to me passed away and I'm not coping too well. Anyway, the ony reason I'm writing is because I need a distraction and this is my last resort. Ily x

Rosalind's POV

Nobody uttered a single word for most of the car journey.

I wasn't sure what Marcel was thinking. My first guess was that he was confused about, well, us. I was too.

What were we?

He was probably still angry at me. After all, he still didn't know what really happened.

My brain was whirring as I tried to answer each new thought as it came into my head.

What was I going to do?

I had a horrible feeling that this would affect our whole relationship for a very long time.

A feeling of pain crept into my heart as I sank further into the seat. Maybe I just needed someone to blame.


I hadn't done anything wrong, at least not on purpose.


He didn't know better, he was drunk and had been informed that I liked him; a true statement which no longer stood.



No, it definitely was not his fault. Admittedly, he shouldn't have said anything to Niall about my feelings, but he was only trying to help everyone out.

It was just one big mistake.

It was nobody's fault.

Maybe I should've just talked it out with him.

Was it too late to try? I hoped not.

"Marcel?" I whispered.

He hummed questioningly in response, it was as if he didn't want to talk.

"About earlier..." I started.

"Leave it." He sighed. "I'm fine. It's all fine. I get it."

I smiled weakly that he was willing to talk, but I wasn't happy with his answer.

"No, you don't get it." I replied calmly and quietly.

"What?" He questioned.

"I'm so over Niall. I don't like him, not even one bit." I informed him with a forced smile.

"But you-"

"Kissed him? No, he kissed me, and I was not happy about it." I took a deep breath. "My feelings for him completely dissipated tonight." I sighed quietly. "I realised what was really in front of me... what I was missing out on."

Marcel didn't say anything as the car rolled into my driveway. I was afraid that the subject would be dropped and not returned to.

My feet took me out of the car and walked me around to Marcel's side. I opened his door and leaned across him to undo his seatbelt. My driveway was even darker than his, so I found it even more difficult to reach it.

"I can do it myself, you know." He sighed quietly as I leaned right over his lap, squinting into the darkness in the unfamiliar vehicle.

"I got it." I sighed eventually, feeling slight relief at the click of the buckle being released.

I pushed my body away from his, only to feel a warm sensation on the side of my face.

Marcel gripped my face gently with his hands and made no movement to pull me closer. Instead, he leaned forwards and I saw a slight reflection of light in his eyes, distinguishing from his otherwise shadowed face.

They flicked from my eyes to my lips and vice versa, checking silently that I was okay with him kissing me.

I presumed that was what he was doing anyway.

I smiled in silent response, but mentally kicked myself when I realised it would be too dark for him to see it.

Placing my hand on top of his, I leaned closer to him.

"Marcel." I whispered before my lips brushed softly with his.

My heart swelled with happiness as he kissed me.

"It's alright," He whispered, pulling away.

I smiled into the darkness.

I then pulled away and went about gently helping him out the car.

I heard his sharp intakes of breath and could only guess that he was in pain.

"I'm really sorry," I said again as I pulled him up the driveway and began fumbling with my keys. The house was in complete darkness as my mother worked most nights.

Eventually, I managed to get the door open and flick on the hallway lights.

I hated the house being so empty all the time.

Marcel limped beside me as I took him into the living room and sat him down.

"You know, it's funny," I sighed, taking a seat beside him on the couch. "I feel like we're back at square one."

"I know." Marcel agreed.

"I mean, I feel like I don't know you and you don't know me. So much has changed tonight. We're back as we were before any of this. You sitting on my couch, bleeding, and me... well, I'm just being nurse again aren't I?"

"One thing hasn't changed since the start of tonight."

"What's that?"

"I still feel the same about you." His voice was almost a whisper.

"And how do you feel about me?" I didn't dare break my gaze away from Marcel's eyes.

"I like you. A lot."

"I like you too. A lot." I smiled lightly, almost disappointed with his answer. I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Well, I'd better go get the first aid kit."

Marcel smiled back at me but it didn't reach his eyes. I sighed and stood up, heading for the hallway and upstairs to the bathroom.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gasped in shock. I was pale and clammy and my hair was matted to my head. I lifted up the top layer of hair on the side of my head and underneath was sticky and matted with blood.

My hands were cold and sweaty as I reached for the first aid kit.

Slowly and carefully, I made my way back downstairs, all remaining energy lost from my body.

There was something lurking inside me, trying to force its way out; some unfamiliar feeling encasing me.

What was it?

I had absolutely no idea.






I have a horrible feeling that this was a horrible chapter & I don't like it at all

I love you guys so much please don't forget that

Your comments really make me happy when I'm feeling down and I can't even explain how much i love you it's insane & thank you so much for 8K reads i dont even deserve this like what

ilysm x

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