Chapter 1

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I walked down the hall from my history class, trying to find my friends. I was looking for two blonde heads bobbing up and down side by side as they walked out of geography across the hall. 

"Rosalind!" Ally and Maya were running towards me, giggling. 

"What?" I called, grinning at them cheekily as they flashed their perfect smiles. 

"We got A's on our geography test! You know what that means?" Ally nearly exploded from excitement.

I was about to reply but Maya told me anyway, unable to contain herself. "We passed for the whole year!" 

Ally and Maya were half sisters, but they were the best of friends too. They had their father's looks with blonde hair and brown eyes but had completely different personalities from their different mothers. They didn't think of themselves as sisters, but I thought of them both as my sisters. 

"Congrats guys!" I grinned, hugging them. "How do you know you've passed the whole year?"

"Mrs Atkinson said that we had done so well all through the year that even if we failed everything else, we'd still get into her advanced geography class!" Maya confirmed.

As we headed down to lunch I felt a secret pang of jealousy. I was never as bright as them, but I had my own talents. Ally and Maya both excelled at reading and writing and maths and studying etcetera, etcetera. I had a flair for art and music and drama. 

We sat down with our hot pasta pots from the school canteen and watched the rain slide down the windows.

"How can I be in such a good mood on such a horrible day?" Ally wondered aloud.

I just laughed. 

All of a sudden I felt Maya slapping my arm repeatedly while staring at something across the canteen.

"What?" I moaned, as she had made me drop my forkful of pasta on the floor.

"Niall's staring at you!" She hissed, trying not to let anyone else notice.

"So? We're friends." I brushed it off.

"But he's so hot!" Ally giggled.

"And he's a popular." I reminded them.

There were three types of people here. 

1: The populars. Most of them are so big headed and think they're perfect, they push up their boobs and push out their bums. The boys are the same, except they show off with their sport skills and good looks. 

2: Us. We're cool and a lot of our "middle region" are pretty hot too, but for whatever reason, they're not classed as popular. I mean, my best friends are drop dead gorgeous, but they dont fit in with the populars. They say I'm pretty too, but nowhere near as gorgeous as them. We're not popular, but we're happy. 

3: I suppose I don't have a name for this category. There's not many of them, but they're not accepted. A popular never mixes with a category three. Ever. That would be their life over. Not for me, I dont dislike them, but I dont like them either. They're mainly what the populars call nerdy and geeks. They have spots and big glasses but I dont see the problem. The populars have bad skin and bad eyesight too. They just slap on way too much makeup and wear contacts. Anyway...

"Ugh. I wish Niall wasn't popular." Maya whined. "He's so hot and he's nice and smart. He's just sporty and ripped so got swallowed into their group to be surrounded by slutbags and bullies."

"And he likes them." Ally added.

Don't get me wrong, Niall was my friend (sort of - we smiled at each other occasionally and sometimes chatted on Facebook), but we didnt really fit in with each other's groups. I'll admit, he's way too good for us, and we don't want to be associated with the populars.

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