Chapter 10

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Rosalind's POV

Thursday rolled around pretty quickly, but was a complete drag.

I didn't see Niall at all, or Marcel for that matter.

I wondered where they were as I sat at lunch with Ally and Maya.

We were having pasta again and to be honest, I was sick to death of it but there weren't many other options.

My eyes drifted around the room as I searched for the two boys. either one of them would have been great, but I was coming up trumps.

I decided to text Marcel.

To Marcel, From Me:

Hey, where you at?

He didn't reply straight away, so I reluctantly joined in with the current conversation going on, even though I had no interest in it whatsoever. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket.

To Me, From Marcel:

I'm in the school nurse's room.

To Marcel, From Me:


To Me, From Marcel:

Walls hurt.

Oh Jesus. I wondered what the hell had happened to him. I came up with two theories, he either walked into a wall or was shoved into one.

I hoped it was the first, because it would be less likely to be serious.

I decided I should probably visit him, but I would have to be ill to get in.

Was a migraine bad enough to get out of lunch and class?

Might as well find out, I thought to myself.

I excused myself from the table with my oh so bad 'migraine' and walked to the nurse's room.

Nervously, I knocked on the door.

A woman opened it and smiled at me. She was short and looked in her 50s.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I have a really bad headache," I whined, making sure to wince for effect and hold my hand to my head. "I've had it all day and its so bad, I've taken pain killers and they haven't worked."

"Okay honey, for legal reasons I can't administer anything you wont have already tried. I don't have sufficient allergy information to give you anything."

"Don't worry, I know. I actually came because I seriously need some peace. I can deal with whispering, but the noise in the canteen is unbearable and class is just as bad with all the chatter." I spoke slowly with pain in my voice.

"Alright, you can come in, but I have another patient at the moment." She warned.

"Oh..." I tried to sound like that was a bad thing.

"I can arrange for you to sit in the headmasters office in peace if you like?" She offered.

"No I'm alright, thank you." I said as I walked in.

The nurse's office was made up of two rooms. the first one that I was currently stood in was her office with a desk and a phone and lots of medical things, and the second was where she treated patients.

"I have to leave in half an hour for a new course," the nurse told me. "you can just go back to class when you feel ready."

"Okay," I said, and made my way to the treatment room.

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