Chapter 26

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A/N thank you all so much for your support and kind words, I love you.

Rosalind's POV

I sat in my bed with Marcel for a good long while, tucked under his arm with my laptop wedged between us. Warm Bodies was playing quietly on the screen, which was nice because I hadn't seen it in a long time.

"I fucking hate those bonies." I mumbled quietly to myself, watching as the skeletal flesh-craving zombies rampaged on the screen.

My comment earned a chuckle from Marcel, who was obviously more entertained by my response rather than the film itself.

"I wish they'd just give up and leave Julie and R alone." I complained.

"R is a stupid name." Marcel murmured, probably more to himself than to me.

I responded anyway. "Haven't you been watching? They call him R because he can't remember his name, what with being a zombie for so long. He only remembers that it started with R."

"I know the story," Marcel chuckled. "I just think it's a bit stupid. And it's weird that they fall in love. He's dead."

"Don't spoil the film!" I replied, giggling.

"You've seen it before. You know what happens."

"I know, but going back to the point, anyone can fall in love."


I nodded.


"Absolutely." I was sure of it. "Opposites attract."

"Living and dead," Marcel seemed to be thinking about it seriously. "People from different countries."

"Different races." I suggested.

"Rich and poor."

"Good and bad people..."

Marcel paused for a short moment. "Different tastes in style-"

"And music!" I finished.

"Perfect and... imperfect..." He trailed off.

I just hummed in response, turning back to the film with a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Did he mean us?

Marcel's POV

Ugh, trust me to go ahead and make it awkward again.

Rosalind must have known I meant us. I didn't even mean to say it out loud. I just wanted to think it.

That was the problem, I couldn't just 'think' around her. My thoughts would jumble and do flips in my head and suddenly come pouring out without my control.

Either that, or my mouth wouldn't work at all.

I didn't know which was worse.

I could feel the tension building up in the room and thickening with every passing second.

Maybe, for once in my life I could be brave. Maybe I could be the one to break it.

But what could I say?

Rosalind couldn't possibly have meant it when she said she loved me. It was dark, she was tired, we were both a little delirious.

I mean, how could she love me? I was, well, me. I was shy, quiet and too smart for my own good. I knew that for sure. So did everyone else. I was unlovable.

But her, on the other hand, she was - wow.

Her laugh was contagious and her smile made everyone around her smile, including me. She was beauiful, inside and out, as well as strong and independent. But she was so sensitive and breakable, too insecure, but I loved that about her.

She was everything and I was nothing.

But I had to try.

I loved her.

"Rosalind?" I asked quietly, struggling to find my voice.


"Did you mean it? What you said to me that night?" I felt her freeze beneath my arm, she knew exactly what I meant.

Slowly, she exhaled and turned to smile lightly at me. "Yes." She breathed. "I meant it."

I couldn't help but break into a wide smile and tighten my grip around her delicate frame. "I meant it too." I stated proudly.

Rosalind chuckled. "You're a hopeless romantic... but it's cute."

What could I say to that?

"Look, Marcel. I really like you. I don't even know how it happened, or why, but somehow I've managed to fall for you, and I've fallen fast."

Was this it? Was this the right time to pop the question? I had to ask her to be my girlfriend.

My heart was swelling with happiness and every beat was coming quicker than the last. I was so happy.

Okay. This was it. This had to be it. It was the right moment.

I loved her, and somehow, god only knows how, she loved me.

Normally my mouth would have locked shut, my brain would have switched off and I would be frozen. Well, no more. She loved me.

I suddenly felt confident. I was happy. I felt like for the first time in my life I was important. I mattered. I mattered to her. That was all I cared about.

So, I turned to look at her, absorbing every inch of her beautiful self; each wave in her hair, the way her eyes sparkled, the curve of her wonderful lips, her cheeks, her chin, her nose. There was not any part of her which was not perfect in that moment. She was so perfect to me and I would make her mine.

She would make me proud and happy. She would make me a better person.

So I asked her, without fear, the question in my mind.

"Rosalind, will you be my girlfriend?"

And she looked at me, her eyes twinkling, crinkling at the edges as she smiled from her lips to her cheeks and spoke the word which I knew was the start of something perfect for me.



*Sing-song voice* Uuuuupdaaaaaate

I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so muchhhhhhh

Thankyou to each and every one of you who has stuck with me

It's been literally months

Months, I know

And I'm so sorry

I say that too often but I really am

But something had changed in my life, I'm not sure what it is, but I feel different

I feel new

I feel like I'm finally out of the dark place I've been stuck in for so long and can finally breathe again. and it feels so good

So I sincerely apologise for being the dark soul I have been and I hope you will accept the new me into your lives and enjoy this book for what it is, despite everything

Because I've realised it's possible to achieve something great whoever you are

And I've managed I pull myself back to the light and I see everything so much clearer now

And I love you all with my entire heart
You have helped to pull me through my dark patch

But now I am fresh

A new flower in the field


Where am I getting this soppy language from

I've reawakened all the smush in me

I love you lots
Thanks for everything x

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