Chapter 19

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Rosalind's POV

"Niall!" I yelled, shoving him off me.

Panic flashed through my entire body as Marcel ran straight past us and ran downstairs.

I opened my mouth to call his name but Niall pressed his lips to mine once again.

By the time I got him off me, Marcel was already gone.

"What the fuck?" I yelled at him, furious at what he had just done.

Niall looked very taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"What?" I sneered. "Are you just going to stand there? What the hell was that?"

"I just..." Niall trailed off almost as soon as he started talking.

As if he had completely forgotten the last few moments, he leaned in yet again.

"Oh hell no." I said, slipping out of his way and standing at the top of the staircase.

"Why won't you kiss me?" Niall asked, eyes looking heavy. He was clearly drunk. I decided to make that obvious.

"One; you're very drunk right now. Two; in case you didn't notice, I was in a bedroom with Marcel for a reason."

I suddenly realised what that sounded like when Niall's eyes almost popped right out of his head.

"You guys... He... But... Jesus Christ..." Niall looked horrified, but still slightly amused.

"Oh no, no, no! We didn't do, er, that... we were just talking, getting a bit of privacy and all that."

God this was awkward.

"Right." Niall said, turning around.

"Why did you want to kiss me?" I blurted, immediately regretting it as Niall turned back to smirk at me.

"Well, you're a damn fine Rosalind."

I laughed bitterly. "Damn fine?"

"Adam taught me that expression. He said it was cool."

"Don't believe everything jocks say." I sighed. "Anyway, did you answer my question?"

Niall put his hands on my shoulders and stepped closer. "I think you're pretty hot, Ros, but I'm not up for dating you. I just thought we could have a little fun." He winked at me.

"You thought what?" I exclaimed.

"You heard me." Niall breathed. He smelled very... alcoholic.

"So, what you're saying is that all you wanted was to use me for one night and then chuck me? Wow, Niall, that makes me feel just great." I snapped.

"We could do it more than once if you want..." Niall slurred at me, mistaking what I meant.

"So you're not even going to deny that you would just use me?"

"You could use me just as much as I use you. I know you like me. Marcel said so."

"Marcel said I like you?" I gasped.

"He knew he had no chance with you, hell, we all know that, so he figured he might as well help you get me." Niall explained as I rubbed my head in shock at what I was hearing. "But we all know I'm off the dating market."

"I have only two things to say to you." I snapped. "One, Marcel has more chance with me than you ever did. Two, I used to like you Niall. Not any more."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a jerk who just admitted he would use me for his own gain. I've found someone better; Marcel."

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