Chapter 15

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A/N Um, hello. I have a lot to say, so if you would, I would appreciate it if you took the time to read this. It might be quite long, but it's quite important so please read it. I know I haven't updated in months, and for that I can't apologise enough. In fact, I actually wasn't even planning on writing any more of this story because I thought it was boring and pretty bad. But wait, here comes the good bit. I have decided to continue writing it because of a few small things that happened within these past few days. Firstly, my best friend was the only person who knew about this story, and she told one of her friends how good it was (I didn't think it was good, but I didn't say anything about it). Anyway, this person read it, and actually came up to me in person and told me to update. I didn't think I would. Then, my iPad went a bit crazy just a few minutes ago and told me I had no stories. For some reason, I panicked and wished I had saved He's My Nerd elsewhere. Thankfully, it was wrong and just having a senior moment. But during this senior moment, it refreshed and suddenly my reads went up and some comments and votes that I had never seen before appeared. I didn't even know I had any responses to this! Gee, thanks iPad for not telling me this sooner. What really made me smile though was just that there were a few comments on my last chapter telling me to update, and saying they liked my story. I didn't expect to be this happy, but you three people made my day. So thank you so much for asking me to keep writing, and for reading my work. I can't explain this feeling. I was so disappointed with my story before, and you guys really made me smile. I can't thank you enough. So for those three people, my best friend and the girl she showed my story to, this one's especially for you. Thank you so much for your support, and thanks to anyone else who reads this and has read any of the chapters before. You guys mean the world to me. Here's your chapter :)


Marcel's POV

Niall was nice, considering that he was a popular. He was nice to Rosalind, and he was nice to me.

Part of me, the tiny scrap of anger and jealousy in me, wanted him to be horrible to her so she would stay by my side and try to avoid him, but he was just so kind, too kind.

He had a big music player, which he lifted effortlessly in front of her, flexing his muscles and carried it into the sitting room, leaving me carrying a stack of red cups and a six pack of beer.

Wow Marcel, way to show your strength.

Being clumsy old me though, I had managed to drop a few cups along the way without noticing and only once I was standing in the kitchen door did I notice Rosalind throw one to Niall. He caught it in one hand and proceeded to hurl it towards me. I reached out with both hands and completely missed it.

I was entirely humiliated.

I didn't even know what I was doing here.

I wasn't the party type, I didn't drink, I didn't dance, I didn't know any popular music or wear popular clothes. Just because Rosalind dressed me up all cool and gave me a new image, it didn't mean I had changed on the inside, and I certainly hadn't.

Carefully, I picked up the dropped cup and placed it on the kitchen counter.

Niall and Rosalind plugged in the huge music machine and tried it out with a few songs from Niall's phone.

I didn't know any of them, but he sang along perfectly to every one, and Rosalind watched him in awe the whole time, barely noticing my presence and the sadness and disappointment radiating from me.

What on earth made me think I had a chance with her? She didn't love me at all, in fact, she barely knew me. She hardly even knew I was here.

I had realised how I felt about her earlier today, and had managed to convince myself she felt the same way, but seeing the way she looked at him made me see the real truth.

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