Chapter 24

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Rosalind's POV

"There," I exclaimed once I finished cleaning the cuts on Marcel's hands and face. "All done."

He smiled weakly at me.

We had sat quietly for the past twently minutes while I cleaned his wounds and carefully applied the neccessary creams and ointments. He still looked battered and damaged, but at least he was no longer bleeding, well, everywhere.

"Thanks," He responded, looking down at his lap where I had carefully rested a roll of bandages on his knee. "but I'm not sure we are."

"What do you mean?" I almost allowed a scowl to creep onto my face as he announced a possible load of more wounds.

"When I, uh, hit the brakes, I hit myself pretty badly on the steering wheel and... and, I think something, uh, cracked."

"I'm sorry?!" I gasped. "Something, uh, WHAT?" I mocked his voice as he spoke. 

"Cracked." He confirmed in a small, weak voice as he carried on looking away from me.

I was furious. "Listen here, Marcel, and you better bloody listen good. You let me fuss over a few cuts when you think you've broken something inside you?" I almost shrieked.

"Rosalind, I-"

"And why the hell didn't you call an ambulance instead of peeling your body bits off the dashboard and driving away! Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

"I couldn't find my phone..."

"Well you should've told me to call an ambulance!" I yelled.

He suddenly looked afraid as I unloaded my fury onto him.

"Marcel," I sighed, knowing I owed him an apology. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but this is serious."

"I think it might just be a broken rib or two." He sighed. "There's not much can be done about that anyway. It's still possible to obtain almost full movement and the only problem is the pain."

"How bad is the pain?" 

"Horrible. And all movement hurts, but I can manage. I've had worse."

I sighed and a tear somehow found it's way onto my cheek.

This was all my fault. What had I done to him?

"Rosalind..." He started, but he seemed to lose his words.

"How do you know so much about broken ribs?" I tried to distract myself but my voice just came out as a whisper.

Marcel seemed to understand that I needed a distraction and began to speak like nothing was wrong. "I've broken two before. They hurt like hell, but if you don't move they're not so bad. They can be dangerous if they puncture your lungs though."

He seemed to notice the colour drain from my face. "Don't worry," He managed a smile. God, he was beautiful. "If that was going to happen, it would have already. Probably when I crouched down with you before. I can't even begin to describe how painul that was, but I just had to ignore it."

I sniffled and wiped what I hoped were the last of my tears.

Without any words, I reached into the first aid box and took out a pair of scissors, aligning them at the base of his shirt.

"R.I.P, band tee." I sighed as I cut through the thin fabric, exposing Marcel's surprisingly toned chest and abdomen.

I peeled it away from his body and felt my arms go numb at what was revealed.

His chest was purple and black, streaks of colour tearing through his pale flesh. The blotches of purple looked angry and extremely painful. His breathing seemed shallow yet ragged as I forced my fingers away from the fabric of his shirt and gently, and almost like I didn't even touch him, trailed my fingertips across the breadth of his ribcage.

Something was broken alright.

I couldn't decide which break was worse; his ribs, or my heart.

"Marcel," His name escaped my lips in a strangled cry and my hands flew to my face, my fingers curling into the roots of my hair, pulling visciously. "What have I done?" I repeated to myself, the tears flooding back. I spoke the same words over and over again until I felt his hands lock around my wrists and pry them away from my face.

"For god's sake Rosalind!" he yelled. I was extremely taken aback. Never in my life had I seen him yell. "How dare you?" His voice was cold and I was unsure of what he was accusing me of.

"How dare you blame yourself for this? This wasn't you! None of this was you!" He growled, his grip on my arms tightening.

I opened my moutth but the words I wanted to say wouldn't come out.

"I left that party because I wanted to. It was my fault I acted the way I did. I should've known that you wouldn't ever come on to Niall because you were usually so shy around him. I'm sorry Rosalind."

All I could do was stare at him and wipe my eyes. 

My heart was beating ten to the dozen as I stared at his rigid and battered frame, but something about the moment made me lean towards him and gently bring my lips to his.

I intended it to be just a peck, almost just to say "I'm okay now, thanks" but Marcel's hand found its way to my cheek, holding me in place for a few moments longer as I hovered above him in the intense atmosphere.

Slowly, I pulled away and took his hand in mine.

"Come upstairs and get some sleep if you can. I'll take you to the hospital in the morning." I gave a gentle smile and - extremely cautiously - helped him to his feet.

It took a long while, but we eventually made it to my room and I helped Marcel into my bed.

He groaned in pain a lot, so I grabbed him some of the stongest pain medication we had and then climbed in to bed beside him.

There wasn't a lot of space, but we were both finally comfortable.

The room was dark, so I couldn't see him, but I felt the warmth of Marcel's arm pressed up against mine.

Suddenly, a smile broke across my face and I turned my head to squint into the darkness towards the boy beside me.

"Marcel," I breathed. "I think... I think I love you." 

There was a pause of silence beside me and I felt a little bit of fear creep up inside me.

He finally spoke. "Rosalind, I think I love you too."






gUYS your support on this fanfic astounds me every single day

Today I dicovered i'm almost at 9K reads

i love every single one of you

Your comments are so sweet and even if I don't always reply, I read every single one and sometimes when i'm sad or having a little cry I just look on here and think 

wow. some people are just so nice in this world

and it makes me feel all better

So I want to thank you all, each and every one of you. You may never have commented before or voted or anything. You may just think "I'm just another reader" or "I'm just another number on the wattpad statistics" but you mean so much more to me because every time I get another read (even just one) it makes my day and I want to know about you all and follow you all

I wish you'd make youselves known so i can talk to you and follow you and read your books because you literally don't understand how much you mean to me

and i really do love you all


you're the best x

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