Book 1 - The Beginning

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Our story begins in the Fire Nation. Outside in the Royal Gardens.

" Now, Lillian. I trust that you will follow my instructions?" said a tall muscular man that was hidden in the shade of the royal cherry tree.
Before him stood a 6-year-old Lillian in her best clothes with her hands at her sides and her eyes meeting her father's. " Yes father, I will remain here until you return from your war meeting with Fire Lord Ozai," she spoke clearly. There was a moment of silence... " Your mother will feel better soon until then you shall accompany me each day at the palace and remain here. I will have a servant bring you food and something to drink around noon. Do not disrespect them and do not wonder! If I return to see you are absent then your actions will lay consequences on not only you but your brothers as well! Do you understand? " roared the general. Lillian looked down to the floor and spoke as clear as possible behind her heartache. " Yes father, I understand."

Lillian bowed to her father as he turned and left for his meeting. Once he was gone Lillian sat in the shade of the tree and started humming her lullaby that her grandmother had taught her so that she would not shed her tears.

" My Dear fire Lilly, you are very special and unique. Never forget that. Always be yourself. And remember... Tears are better left unshed. If we cried all the time then people would find out our secret, and we don't want that now do we my little Fire Lilly?"

Little Lillian looked up at her grandmother's wrinkled face and tried to smile through her tears. It hurts. The burning sensation on her knee felt like her whole leg was going to fall off.

" But granny... It hurts, what must I do if I am not allowed to cry? Or what if I cry from being very happy? Must I still not cry?"

The old woman looked down on Lillian. She was different and she was going to be hurt a lot in her life for being so. But to her grandmother she was beautiful. Lillian had long dirty blonde hair that was very unusual for anyone in the Fire Nation. And her eyes, those soft crimson eyes, they made her fair skin complexion complete.

" Then you let it out for happiness. But don't you dare shed them for heartache or sorrow. If you have been hurt and feel that your tears are unstoppable, take this crystal and sing my lullaby."

As her grandmother began to hum she placed a blue crystal around Lillian's neck.

" This crystal will catch all your tears and then you must save them for a rainy day. They could come in handy when you really need them. But the crystal will only catch them. If you sing or hum my lullaby..."

As her grandmother began to sing, Lillian laid down on the grass and hummed along.

Do not shed your crystal tears.
Take a breath and know that I am here.
Look up at the great, blue endless sky.
Take a breath and know that it is time to fly.
Today Will be tomorrow's yesterday.
Rollback your shoulders, and fly, fly away.

~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~

As Lillian opened her eyes, the white glow of her crystal faded and her cheeks were dry although she cried some tears. The crystal had caught them and was saving them for a rainy day.

An hour had passed since the General left his daughter under the Cherry Tree. By then, Lillian had been creating funny shapes out of the clouds and giggling to herself.

"May we join you?" a soft but gentle voice asked. As Lillian gazed up to see who was interrupting her, she realised it was Lady Ursa herself. And behind her robe were two children. One older and one younger than her.

Lillian rose quickly and bowed to the three royals. " Y-yes... Of course!" Lillian gasped.

" Thank you little one. This is prince Zuko and Princess Azula, my children. But by your expression, I believe you know who I am. But if I may ask, what is your name little one?"

Lillian stood up and gazed at the children and then up at Lady Ursa. Prince Zuko seemed excited to find out her name and Princess Azula was still behind her mother's robe.

"M-my N-name is Lillian, um Lillian Titan, your highness!" Lillian half screamed in a panic.

Ursa smiled as her two children stepped forward and asked if Lillian would like to play tag with them and their other two friends. She seemed hesitant but agreed as long as it was here by the Cherry Tree.

When the day was over Lillian felt that she and Zuko had a better connection as to Azula who felt that she could order Lillian around. Big mistake, it caused disagreement and then the group of five was split.

The General came to the tree and was surprised to see his daughter socialising with the royal family. He smiled for a short moment at her for being so carefree as her mother. His smile disappeared when he called Lillian. She bowed to the Prince and Princess and proceeded to Lady Ursa and bowed to her.

"See you tomorrow Lilly!" yelled Prince Zuko.

Lillian smiled and followed her father home.
Hi guys. This is my second attempt at a fan fiction story. I love the avatar series. But unfortunately do not own it. I only own my characters and my little odd plot. My story will follow the basic plot up to a certain point then I will place my own twist.

I'd love for some comments and advice and also if you would vote.

I will try to update as often as possible.

Thank you.

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